Power of Love

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Stoick's Mind

I hope Astrid can bring Hiccup back

If anyone can, she can

"You think the two will be alright by themselves?" I ask Gobber

"Aye Stoick. The love between a rider and dragon is strong, but love between riders is stronger, especially between Hiccup and Astrid. I'm not the only one who sees how strong their love is for each other" he tells me, hammering on some dragon armor

"They'll keep each other safe, don't you worry" he finishes

"I know they will, but they're still children in my eyes" I say . "I just can't lose either of them"

I've already come to consider Astrid as part of the family it's been so long since the two started

I walk off to finish up my chief duties

Gobber's Mind

I worry about, just like anyone else who knows, but I'm more worried about Stoick

If he loses those two, he's got nothing left to live for

I was bad enough when he lost his wife

His son?

And he's also come to dearly love Astird

"Oh boy. Thor help the two if ye can" I say to myself

I return to my work, trying to clear my mind

Hiccup's Mind

I put my clothes on no and strapped the the sword to my back

The sun, or whatever the light in the sky was coming from, was starting to fade

Astrid went to search for a good place to live while we were stuck here, and I went off to gather some wood

I gathered an armful of wood and I heard a whistle

Astrid found a spot to sleep

When I got to the site, she had already made a makeshift shelter for us to sleep under, and even made a little bed spot for us

With the fire started, I realized that we didn't have anything to eat

We went to a little stream nearby, and saw a few fish

We each caught one, not wanting to deplete the fish all-together

We fixed the fish and cooked them over the fire

We ate in silence, not really sure on what to talk about

When we finished, we stared at each other

I swear I saw a star in her eye, twinkling, making her blue eyes look even more stunning

I love the fact that I can call her mine

She's beautiful, strong, athletic, smart, amazing

That's only to name a few

I'd die if it would allow her to live

Astrid's Mind

Those emerald green eyes of his always captivate me, pulling me in, wanting to be close to him

I can't believe I have such an amazing guy like him to call mine

He amazing, sweet, charming, smart, strong, a natural born leader

He once told me he would do anything for me, even die

I told him to promise that no matter what happens, he wouldn't do that

He didn't respond to that

I walked over to him and hugged him

He kissed me on the lips

"I love you Astrid, always remember that" he tells me

"I gave you that butterfly medalion for a reason," he winked at me

"I will. And l love you too Hiccup. You make me a better person" I say

"You're already the better person" he tells me. "You're the other half to my heart"

I tear up, a few rolling down my cheek

I kiss him again, this time not stopping

We brake to lay down on the makeshift bed, and I make sure I'm on top

I smile, our noses touching, lips brushing against each other

We kiss, his hands placed on my hip and back

My hands are by his head for support and one on his chest

Narrator's Mind

Hiccup and Astrid kissed, with Hiccup's hand pulling Astrid closer to him, pressing her against him

Astrid's hand went from his chest to his side, now that she didn't need to support herself

Their bodies pressed together, leaving no room for air between them

The kiss grew ever more, time unnoticed by the two

They finally broke, breathing heavily

"We should probably go to sleep so we can get a good start tomorrow" Hiccup says

"We probably should" agrees Astrid

Astrid lays on the bedding, pressing her back into Hiccup's chest to share body heat

Hiccup wraps her in his arms, protecting her from the unfamiliar territory

'It might look like Berk, but it feels nothing like home' he thinks

He pulls her closer at the though, completely closing any gap between them

Astrid turns her body to where they face each other and kisses him, then buries her head in his chest, her hands wrapped around him, resting on his back

They fall asleep to each other's breathing, in tune to one another, their love creating a barrier, unknown to them, to protect them while they sleep

Writer's Mind

The power of love is a fickle thing. It can break you down or build you up. It can strip your defenses or create the most powerful barrier known to man. Will Hiccup and Astrid's love protect them and find them safely home? Or will it destroy one or both of them? Who knows, it might just give them certain powers ;) Stay tuned and found out what happens ;) Thnx for all the comments and votes. I really enjoy the tips I've been given and all the positive comments I've received. I hope y'all are enjoying this so far. Inbox me for what you'd like to see, and I'll think about it and how/if I can use your idea. Get this story out there if you like it ;) Thnx again for y'all feedback

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