Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I slid my boots on and looked at my packed boxes and a small overnight bag. I grabbed the bag and headed out of my door, closing it quietly as it was still early in the morning. I leaned against the elevator wall as I went down to the lobby. I ran my hand over my face as I heard a ding. I stepped out to the quiet, empty room that smelled of freshly brewed coffee.

"Hello Coraline.", I heard someone say as I passed the front desk, causing me to jump.

"Hi William." I walked over to the desk and rested my arms against it. Will was the younger manager of my apartment complex. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."

He laughed, "Where are you going this early?"


"Don't you live here?"

I sighed, "Yes, well for now. I'm going back to my parents house to stay there for a few days and talk about me moving back in with them. I already have everything packed because even if they say no, I can't stay here anymore."

"Is it because of that boy?", he smirked. I talked to Will way too much.

"Maybe." A smiled crept on my face while I played with the bell on his desk. "I just have to see him one last time, and if I'm not home at all times, I'll never be able to see him whenever he decides to visit his parents."

"Where does he go to school again?"


"Oh right. So are you taking the bus or train back home?", he asked.

"Bus." I looked at the clock on the wall behind him, "And I have to go, it leaves in 10 minutes." I turned and walked to the door and yelled, "Bye Will!"

"Hey Cora," I turned back to him with my hands still on the door, "I'll miss you."

I smiled a little, "You too." And I actually believed myself. I convinced myself before I ever left to come here that I wouldn't miss anyone, and that turned out to be an obvious lie. Will may have been about 10 years older than me, but he was a good listener and a good person all around. He was the only person in this entire place that I actually knew.

I sat on the bus with my music way too loud, I saw the person across from me look at me a couples times and make an annoyed face. It was 7 in the morning by now and I struggled to keep my eyes open. I had 2 more hours of torture on this nearly empty bus. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and clicked my photos. I went to the album called US and looked through the pictures. All my memories of him came back and all these new thoughts that never even crossed my mind until now. Will he even look the same as when he left? Maybe he has a new best friend. Maybe he has a new girl. How many girls did he hook up with while at school? Was I even on his mind? Did he hurt like I did? I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away with my sleeve. I glanced at the girl across from me, who was someone different from before so we must've had a stop while I was deep in thought. She was staring at me, she looked about my age. I looked down back at my phone and noticed I slid over to a video in the album. I clicked play.

I giggled, "Carter, what are you doing?"

"Dancing!", he yelled back. He continued to stand in front of his huge mirror he had in his basement and move around like an idiot.

"That's awful. You obviously have no idea what you're doing." It's like he planned this whole dance that he knew was terrible, because he didn't miss a beat.

He immediately stopped in his tracks and stared at me through the mirror. "Do you think I can't see you recording me?" He got this evil look on his face and turned to run towards me. I screamed and he tackled me to the ground.

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