Dallas Winston (Imagine)

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   "LISTEN (Y/N), I'M going to Buck's. If you need me, you know Buck'll let you in."
Your boyfriend, Dallas Winston, had gotten into a bad fight with Tim Sheppard an hour ago. He looked awful; he had a black eye, some scratches that would soon turn to scars and horrible looking bruises.
"Dallas, look at me." You said. He slowly looked at you as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket. "Why don't you stay in the guest room at my place?"
He lit the stick and didn't answer for a short bit, but finally did. "Sure, baby."
You smiled and took his hand. "C'mon."

   Once you both made it to your house, you opened the front door and walked him to the guest room. He crawled into the bed and started to take his shirt off. You couldn't stand to see him in such pain, so you walked over and gently took it off for him. He didn't bother taking his shoes off, so when he fell asleep, you took them off yourself. On your way out of the room, you stopped and turned around to watch him sleep for a second.
"Goodnight, baby." You quietly said, but before you shut the door, you heard Dally talk.
"I love you..."
You looked back to him and smiled. "I love you, too, Dallas."
He softly grinned and you shut the door.

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