Ponyboy Curtis (Imagine)

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   YOU SET OFF from home on your way to school. You didn't mind school, it's just some people at school that bothered you. Socs pick on you...even though you're a Soc yourself. They pick on your because your boyfriend is a Greaser. His name's Ponyboy Curtis and you loved him to Mars and back. Your parents actually love Ponyboy; they think he's a good influence. They also like Pony's older brother's, Darrel and Sodapop. You lived Darry and Soda because they treated you like a little sister.

Anyways, OFF TO SCHOOL YOU GO! When you reached the school's huge front door, you opened the door and walked in, starting to hum a song you had stuck in your head. Just as you walked in, things instantly went down hill. You didn't realize you'd been nearly 20 minutes late to your first class, but the teacher really let you know you were. In front of the whole class as well. You also didn't realize you had a huge jelly stain on your light pink dress until Ponyboy told you.

"Dang...I-" You huffed. "I had jelly on my toast this morning. I guess I didn't see it." You explained. Pony grinned.
"You're red." He said. "I like it when you're embarrassed."
You couldn't help but smile slightly, but you kept a good glare on him. "Well, I don't. I hate being embarrassed."
"I know, I'm only kidding, baby." He said, taking your hand.
The bell rang.
"C'mon. I wanna show you something."
You followed him all the way out into the front of the school. "What is it?"
"I can't tell you yet." He answered.
"Why not?" You asked.
"Well," He said. "If I told you, it wouldn't really be the surprise I want it to be."
"Okay, fine."

After a bit of walking, he stopped at large willow tree and let go of your hand. You stopped and watched him walk around the tree. There was sudden music and you realized that there was a radio hidden behind the tree where Pony was.
He walked over to you and took your hands again. "May I?"
You smiled wildly and nodded. "Yes, you may."

You two stayed there and danced all afternoon in each other's arms. You lived it and you didn't want it to stop. You wanted to marry Ponyboy, but that'd have to wait a few more years.

A/N - This is for Bailey, one of my best friends! Hope you like it, girl. Love you! - Zoe

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