Obscurus {Review}

48 4 6

This review is for: TLotiel

Short Summary:

May and her father, the dark wizard Grindelwald, are really close to each other.


Actually, I really enjoyed this book! This was a great escape from my life, and the book truly does a great job in making me think that I am actually in the scene, with May!

The way this book is described, is amazing. I love all the descriptive details! That's the key to making a great story: descriptive words. You make your readers feel as if they're in the moment with the character. My congrats :D

My few suggestions are maybe paragraph your chapters a bit more?
I'm being extremely picky, but you missed a few words on the last chapter...but I'm really impressed. Out of 6 chapters, the grammar was great, not one misspelled word ((that I could find, anyways)), and you didn't miss a single word until the 6th chapter. Amazing work!

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