Chapter 2: Forgive And Die

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Well yeah we HAD to pack our stuff i did try to keep us calm but... stuff happened along the way. So it's just us kids, walking alone in this god forbidden apocalypse. We ALL saw it coming at one point. Alone, cities burned. But we didn't know how it was going to happen, what the cause would be and WHO was responsible.

We came to a stop. Getting dark, cold, tired. That was all we felt, nothing but pain. We had cramps in our stomachs and a voice in our head telling us to go home. We didn't think we would make it this far.... "ALMOST AT AMERICA BABY!!" was what tom said. Excited, typical of Tom... but who couldn't be, i mean we had made it from a small village outside the place. Quite a walk it was, days without drinking, nights without a warm bed to sleep in. I stopped at one of those gigantic billboards you usually see outside of towns. We thought the best idea was to camp up there as it was safe from the grounders {we called them}. Colder but safer, we slept in a pile of warmth holding each other tightly, refusing to let go. Two of us had a fight and me and Tom had to break it up. What we never expected was..... The fight got out of hand. Kate got pushed off the top of the billboard. Meters below was her body.... Lifeless. DEAD! The only one who wasn't crying was Tom. he may be a softy at heart but not at all this upset him, weirdly but still i was crying and he sat me down and held me tight. I buried my head in his chest crying and sobbing. Ashton left us, decided to live on the billboard. I begged him it was a horrible idea. No, he wouldn't budge. The pity he felt after killing kate was enough to keep him there. Me and Tom ventured out, into the dusk of night.

Next day came along, cold as hell. Tom basically thought pushing me into the lake we found was a good idea. I jumped on him pinning him to the ground. He squirmed left and right "IVY, i'm getting with lake water!!" I screamed, "How do you like it?!?!" he rolled over and pinned me down and said... "Ivy, whats up. You've been acting strange lately.." i growled and flipped him off. I got up, picked up my katana and swung it full power at a small sapling chopping it down. Tom jumped back frightened, he didn't say a word that night until 01:00... "Ivy... you know how you found that cat back at the house... have you still got it??" i opened up my bag revealing a sleeping, purring cat inside. He looked away and sighed. "Tom... i'm sorry about earlier where i kinda... killed that tree." He replied quietly, "nah it's alright plenty more trees... right?" I sighed and turned away.

*we all know what's gonna happen very soon don't we? I bet you guys are shipping us right this minute*

I sharpened my katana with a rock i found, and Tom was walking over to me. He sat down beside me and in a chirpy singy voice he said..."Heeeyyyyy whatcha doooin???" I replied with a sigh, "sharpening weapons, what do you want." He looked at me oddly, I know THAT look. As if to say what in the fuck is wrong with everything right now... Basically he was very confused "Ivy" he said grabbing hold of my shoulders tightly " WHAT IS UPPPPPPP" He was shaking me playfully like he does to make me happy this time no happy ivy was showing "I'm not feeling anything right now Tom." and of course he

pulled me close to his chest giving me a "hug of wisdom" {quote his words NOT mine} i sighed and wrapped my body around him like a blanket. He wrapped my legs around his waist and carried me to the tent and put me down. He threw a blanket over my head as he started making the fire. "Hey you know what's more fun than making fires??!!" i said in my perky voice. Not looking round he said "What's more fun than fire, i mean come oooooooooooooooon" he said poking the fire with a stick. He turned round holding the stick in the fire. "EXPLORING IS MORE FUN!!!!!" i said. Tom wasn't keeping track on the stick as it caught fire and burned his hand. He fell to the floor crying in pain. I ran over to him and hugged him while he was on the floor. "Ivy it really hurts, w...ww...wwwwww....what can i d..d..dddooo!!" i love it when he stutters it's cute but at this moment i wasn't concentrating on the stutter as much i didn't realise that i was already kissing him, better hugging him tightly. He looked up from his hand and stared into my eyes. It was a weird feeling.. Felt like he was looking into my soul. "Ivy.... i don't think kissing my cheek is gonna help." i bit my lip thinking what to do to cheer him up but before i could even think he put his hands around me and kissed my cheek. I blushed bright red and made myself look like a pink lady apple. He found that funny and laughed softly through his pain. I frowned and he stopped still chuckling. I kissed his nose and got up, walking over to the lake. He called me back over telling me i forgot something. "What did i forget Tom?" He smiled, "You forgot me!" he said in his perky voice. My back stiffened and i turned around heading back to the lake. I heard him get up and follow me. I let him pretending not to notice. I pulled back the sheet we hung on a rope separating the lake to the grass field. He poked his head in and told me we were having rabbit for dinner. I walked up to the sheets and pushed his head out. He was laughing, as he knew i would never eat an animal like a bunny. He poked his head back in and asked if i was taking a bath. "Yeah i am, now leeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaave!" He poked his head back out and went somewhere else. I had my bath in the lake but i heard moans of pain and a sigh from Tom's tent. I ran out in just my towel and asked if he was ok. I patted on the tent calling him. He quickly got up and poked his head out of the tent. He looked side to side and slowly looked up at me. He sighed and poked his head back in the tent. "Tom what were you doing in there" i asked. "i was Bandaging my hand so it would stop hurting." he shouted back. I stepped into my

tent and got changed. Tom stepped out his tent and called my name. I ran over half changed. At least i had my jeans and my sports crop top on but me being panicked was the norm for me. He asked me, "Can you head on down to the gas station and rummage for clothes and snacks?" i took his request and headed to the gas station not bothering to grab a jacket. I took a pistol and my katana, ready to face anything that was in my way.

Days Into The ApocalypseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant