Chapter 4: Life And Death Is All We Have

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Killing throughout the night was my job. Zombies AND people, not like i cared at all they do is kill and eat {the zombies i mean} So what i decided to do -to make my job easier- was to make a sound device to draw all the nearby zombies away from the camp. So i made a blueprint of what i'd need and here where the main things i did need:

*a simple motor

*car alarm


*a shelf frame



ANNNND some knowledge of the magnificent ivy. I never knew everything that was on the list was so easy to find.Anyways

I made the zombie maker and tested it. Worked fine. I came back to the noise maker thing, honestly i didn't give it a name *yet*

I bolted over to the tree house and jumped in bed before Tom woke up and slowly fell asleep. He got up and groaned as he rolled out of his sleeping bag, faceplanting the floor inches from his face anyways. He got up and looked in the bag of food we had left. I woke back up and looked around, i started pulling away a plank of wood from the wall and told Tom to stay still and shut up. I grabbed my sword and made my way to the entrance of the treehouse then peered over the edge scoping the area cautiously. I darted my eyes all over the landscape searching for the noise i heard earlier. Must have been my dreams... i shook my head and froze in my tracks, THERE IT WAS AGAIN i knew it. It was a child's cry.


I was terrified at what i was to find. We ran to the noise which came from a factory nearby,my hands shaking, legs burning, heart racing, blood rushing through my veins like i just had a sugar rush. Everything rushing through my head at the time, Tom was understanding of my feelings and followed me to the sound. I climbed a crate and perched a top of it scanning the area. Tom sat beside me, looking through his sniper scope. I spotted something at one end of the factory and signalled Tom to follow on. I darted across the crates while Tom took ground, he hid behind a crate and we watched in the distance. A little girl was screaming as she was hoarded by many...many grounders. I was going to interfere when Tom stopped me.

Turned out she was a signaler {we called them}. She was a zombie however, once it turned around we saw the horror. Face melting, sorrow in those poor eyes. She was draped in an old victorian pink dress, many laces. Blonde curly hair, blood dripping from different parts of her body, almost smiling. I froze, i couldn't move, at all, i refused. That was my sister. Tom pulled up his bandana over his mouth and aimed. My heart broke into millions of shards as i heard that same sound. Gunshot, Bang she was gone. My face went a pale baby blue, lips slightly shivering, back was stiff. I cried harder than i ever could, coughing up acidly tasting vomit, i couldn't stop crying until i felt it, i felt my heart stiffen and turn ice cold. Nothing can hurt me now... not at all. Tom climbed up to me and held me tight. I pushed him off and jumped down, running to the hoard and swinging my sword at full pelt. Tom stiffened his back and stood up on the crate watching me rage in the middle of the factory. I glared upon the upcoming zombies, slicing everyone of them some way i could. My face turning redder with every hit, not that i gave any i wanted them all gone, anyway i could make them die. I stood still dripping in blood, breathing heavily and glaring down at the floor. Tom walked over and rested his hand on my shoulder, i shook it off and walked out of the factory and went hunting in the town.

Ducking, squatting, rolling my way through the town sneaking 99 percent, then sprinting again. I perched on top of a building and stayed there for a while. I shot down a few things like birds and men even those weird drones. Tom soon found me and sat hiding on the roof behind me, watching my every move like a hawk. I jumped off the roof into a pile of waste and dirt. He followed on behind. Not far from the tree house, i sprinted myself out of sight and laid back in my sleeping bag pretending to be asleep. Tom came back after an hour of searching for me and gasped in relief when he saw i was in bed asleep, safe.... I turned over and yawned. Not opening my eyes though. He bent over and kissed my forehead and hugged me tightly, i "woke" up and hugged him back. He sighed calmly and hugged me even tighter so i couldn't escape. I felt bad like most times stuff like this happens.

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