Tag Virginity is Gone

26 2 5

1. Type of phone you have
An iPhone 5c, but I'm planning on getting a 6 or 7 soon.

2. Do you have a crush?
Well not really, but I still want to try and befriend this guy I used to like. That's all. Really.

3. Birthday
Nine nine

4. Best friend
I don't have just one. There's Itsemilyk , fanficpan , EmoTrashUnite , and two other friends but I'm not going to reveal their identities

5. Favorite song
I don't have one
Vocaloid - World Domination How - to and Haribote both by Neru, A Tale of Six Trillion Years and a Night, and Club = Majesty.
Sung by alive human - Antihero by LiSA, We're the Stars, Lost Time Memory and Yobanashi Deceive (the non vocaloid version), and Peace Sign.
English - Payphono, Rather Be, and Titanium.
No voice - All xi songs, PUPA, and Image Material

6. Your biggest fear
That everyone actually doesn't really like me and endure me just so I feel like I actually have a friend when I don't.

7. Color of your hair
Dark dark dark brown and if you look closely you can find some red and gray hairs

8. Favorite subjects
Algebra, careers, art, and science

9. Favorite sport
Tie between tennis and basketball

10. Tag 20 and they have to do it

I ran out of people. I need to follow more people. I need more friends too. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME I'M SORRY BUT I HAD TO!!!!!

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