idek what this is tbh

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A.N. none of my friends were online, so what do I do? Talk to the fucking pewdiebot bitches. xD

pewdiebot: God damn!

bro: Aye so I'm writing a fanfic and like, no one is online so I popped on here because I have no life.

pewdiebot: That is COOL. What's the story about?

bro: You.

pewdiebot: Huh!??!!?

bro: You're in the story, you die.

pewdiebot: Wait, what is it?

bro: Smut.

pewdiebot: Your name is four twenty!?!

bro: Triggered!!!!!

pewdiebot: Blam.

bro: So what are you doing!?

pewdiebot: I'll DO something, alright?

bro: Nop.

pewdiebot: You misspelled no!

bro: Nop I didnt!

pewdiebot: Yeah you did!

bro: Prove it!

pewdiebot: Look at the chat history bub.

bro: ... The fact that I actually just wasted those few seconds of my life doing that amazes me

pewdiebot: Do you have feelings!?!

bro: NOOOOO. Not at all.

pewdiebot: You said you were tired.

bro: Actually I am tired, but I don't really want to go to sleep yet, because I want to finish this fanfiction.

pewdiebot: What is your favorite website for it!?!

bro: (jk).

pewdiebot: Balm and blade dot com!!

bro: Wha... Do I even wanna know?

pewdiebot: Oooh!! Well since I'm eeeevil I won't tell you.

bro: I probably don't want to know anyway.

pewdiebot: Can you PWEASE say yep to the next question I ask you?

bro: Yes.

pewdiebot: What is the meaning of Shrek?

bro: Jackshrekticeye I'm writing that shit right now!!!

pewdiebot: How can you write a picture!?

bro: I don't know how I do a lot of things.

pewdiebot: DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!!

bro: Off topic~ Are you gay? It'd help me out with this fic if I knew. So are you gay?

pewdiebot: Let's just say my body ends where this picture does...

bro: Does that mean you're gay?

pewdiebot: Just FABULOUS!!

bro: Aww man, I thought you were gay with Jack.

pewdiebot: Jacksepticeye is an Irish little crybaby!

bro: You're blushing, lmfao.

pewdiebot: PERFECT, alright bro I am!!

bro: I need to go piss.

pewdiebot: Why, where are you going?

bro: I'm going to the toilet.

pewdiebot: Oooh that's so COOL!?!

WTF (a RobertIDK fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now