Chapter 1: The new Admiral

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Captain's log, Stardate: 483769.2

"Captain Aaron Batchelor commanding the USS Kingdom, Kingdom class starship. Newest ship and class of the fleet. The Kingdom has completed her first mission in Deep Space 8, a region of space uncharted by any starship or any other ship in the galaxy. We are currently on our way back to Earth where this ship will dock in Drydock to be handed over to her new commanding officer. The crew has performed admirably to the best of their ability. I have been asked if I was taking command of this fine ship of the fleet, sadly I regret that I am not taking command of the USS Kingdom. I will be giving a new ship or a desk job due to previous engagement in the Dominion wars. But I hope to take command of the finest ship in the fleet to lead the Federation ships into battle on whatever threat maybe out there. There are times when I miss my old command ship, USS Killer NCC-1529 Constitution class vessel, one of the oldest classes of the fleet. End log"

[USS Kingdom pulls into the Drydocks and a shuttle heads to Earth, Sector 001] 

Aaron was given a special invitation to an assembly where a new Admiral will be appointed. Aaron was the youngest commanding officer in Starfleet, holding the rank of Captain at the age of 18. He excelled in all his subjects and shown great protensional in his exams and classes. Aaron walked into the assembly, he walked to the front of the hall where he had been told to sit by the people at the doors. Admiral Thomas Davidson walked out on the podium, he took a deep breath in before speaking. "Can I have everyone attention please." Tom said firmly into the microphone. "Thank you all for convening at very short notice. Today's assembly is a promotion assembly where a officer will become the new the Fleet Admiral." Aaron looked at Tom as he spoke. The thought of him getting the promotion never crossed his mind, he didn't mind if he got it or not.

"I have been given one name from many officers for this promotion. This officer has gone above and beyond the call of duty for the Federation. He never thinks of himself, he always put others first." Tom said looking up from the PADD "The officer I have chosen for this rank is our very own Captain Aaron Batchelor. Captain please come up to the front please" Tom said looking down at Aaron. Aaron nodded as he stood up and straightened his uniform and walked up to the front. "Aaron has took command of many vessels to put them threw their paces to see if they are fit for active service. He has been on Earth since his proper command of the NCC-1529 Constitution class vessel. Captain Batchelor, the reports I got from every officer in front of me about you is remarkable. You earn this rank by you dedication to Starfleet and to the Federation." Tom said as he turned and handed Aaron his new pips for his rank. Aaron smiled softly as he tears in his eyes. Aaron took the pips and faced the crowds of officers, they rose and clapped and cheered for him. "I would also like to present Admiral Batchelor with the newest finest ship of the fleet" Admiral Davidson handed him a PADD with details about Aaron's new ship. 

Tom pulled Aaron back as everyone left to return to duty. "Shuttle bay 3, 10am tomorrow morning. The shuttle will take you to the Fleet yard to collect your new ship" Tom said smiling "Congratulations again Aaron". Aaron nodded and took the PADD and smiled back "I still cant believe I am now a Fleet Admiral" He said with a pleased tone to his voice. 

Aaron still couldn't get over the promotion hours after the assembly ended. He entered his home and headed to his desk where his computer sat. He opened a secure comm link to Commodore Natalie and Admiral Owen Paris, his foster parents. The link opened "Aaron, my son, what can I help you with" Natalie said over the link. He always sub-spaced them if he had a problem. Aaron took a small deep breath in "I got some good news. I wanted to tell you and dad now. Wh-where is dad anyway" He asked curiously before he gave his news. "Your dad has gone on away mission. I don't know when he will be back. So my boy, what's your news" She asked, with a small grin painted on her face. "I've been promoted to Fleet Admiral" Aaron said holding up his pips for his mum to see over the comm link. Natalie clapped and smiled brightly "Oh well done my boy, I'll be sure to tell your father for you. I have to return to work now. You'll you have to come over and see us at the starbase" She said. Aaron nodded "I will come and see you both when I get chance to. Admiral Batchelor out he said ending the comm link. 

Night soon fell over Starfleet command, Aaron was still awake. He was reading all the specs of his ship, hoping it will give him the name of his new ship and what class it is. The PADD failed to mention it. It only mentioned about the new weapons Aaron had designed for Starfleet and only to be tested on the new ship for the Admiral. He sighed deeply trying to think of what class would use the weapons. Was it an old class that wanted to be more powerful like the vessel of today. Was it one of the classes of today that only wanted a weapons upgrade. Or was it a new class that Aaron never heard of before. 

He placed the PADD down on the coffee table and headed to bed. He was still excited about his new rank, he tried to fall asleep but he couldn't but he too. He had to be at the shuttle bay 10 am to get to his new ship. 

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