Chapter 12: The Problems

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Aaron beamed back on board the USS Killer. He walked onto the bridge "Mr Tuvok, place a tractor beam on the USS Valiant. Let's tow our brothers and sisters in arms home" He said walking round to his chair. "Yes Sir. Tractor beam is locked onto the Valiant Sir" Tuvok said looking at the Admiral. The other ships grabbed a ship that wasn't able to move and jumped to low warp heading back to Earth.

"Mr Paris, set course for Utopia fleet yards. Warp 2" He said sitting down. Tom laid in the course and speed and made the ship jump to wrap. The ship travelled at low warp with the Valiant in tow.

"Engineering to Bridge" Scotty said over the comm link. He didn't sound happy. "Go ahead Mr Scott, what have you got for me" Aaron replied as he sat in the command chair. "Sir, we have a blown EPS conduit which has knocked out the secondary warp core and the cloaking device" Scotty said walking around Engineering. "I'm on my way Mr Scott" He said closing the comm link. He looked at Jay "The bridge yours Number One!" He said getting up heading to the turbo lift. Jay nodded watching Aaron leave the bridge.

Aaron walked into the lift letting the doors close behind him. "Deck 36, Engineering" He said to the computer. The lift soon left the safety of the bridge and headed down to the shaft through the ship to Engineering. He soon arrived and walked out. "Talk to me Scotty?" He said walking over to him.

Scott looked at the Admiral, he sighed deeply. "We cant engage the secondary warp core nor the cloaking device. Most of the relays are shot Admiral, we had to bypass most of the ships systems they will hold for now Sir but I can't say when they give out" He admitted. Aaron nodded letting out a sharp sigh "You've done your best Mr Scott and I thank you for that. How long will it take to put everything right?" He asked.

Scotty shook his head "Not sure Sir, rough guess at least a month maybe two. That's my best guess. The Dominion have grounded the newest and powerful ship in the fleet" He said walking around Engineering. Aaron followed him "That they have Mr Scott. I have also granted your transfer back to the Enterprise. I'm sure Jim is glad to have you back" Aaron smiled softly.

Scotty nodded "Aye Sir, The Enterprise is my baby. But I also like the challenge here Sir" He said with a slight chuckle. "Well keep up the good work Mr Scott. Keep me updated on the repairs" Aaron said walking back to the turbo lift to return to the bridge. "Aye Admiral" Scotty shouted. He sighed looking around seeing everyone working.

Aaron walked out onto the bridge. "Keep us at Warp 2 till we reach the fleet yards. Then take this ship into drydock Mr Paris. Our vessel needs a bit of TLC" Aaron said walking round to his chair. Tom turned in his chair looking at the Admiral "Aye Sir" He said turning back round to face the console. Jay looked at the Admiral "That bad is it?". Aaron nodded "Yes, Mr Scott had to bypass most of the relays to keep the ship going till we reach the Fleet yard" He said looking back at Jay.

"I'll be in my ready room Commander. You have the bridge yet again. Let me know when we reach the yards" He said leaving his chair yet again and headed to his ready room. Jay smiled shaking his head "Yes Admiral". Jay sighed softly with a small smile on his face, he felt honoured to command such a fine vessel such as the Admiral's.

Aaron walked as the doors closed behind him. "Computer, coffee white, extra sweet, extra hot" He said to the replicator. The coffee soon materialized and Aaron took the mug and walked round to his desk sitting in the chair loading his computer.

"Computer, start personal log" He said sitting back in his chair.

Admiral's log: Stardate: 496681.9.

Mr Scott reports that the USS Killer will be out of action for a month maybe longer. We are currently en-route back to the Utopia Fleet Yards to repair the damaged fleet and this vessel. NX-01 and the rest of the NX fleet along with the Buran will remain at Yorktown base to aid in repairs. The crew have performed amiably during the combat with the Dominion fleet. The arrival of the Klingons managed to level out the playing field. I have the feeling this is just the beginning of the invasion of the Dominion. End log.

A few hours later, the USS Killer and the rest of the fleet arrived at the Utopia Fleet Yards orbiting Mars. "Admiral Batchelor to the Bridge please" Jay said over the comm, the ship dropped out of warp and continued at full impulse. Aaron got up and walked out looking at the main viewer. A smile painted across his face "This is a sight for sore eyes" He said softly. "Takes us in Mr Paris. Mr Tuvok, disengage the tractor beam. Lets dock this weary vessel" Tom and Tuvok nodded "Yes Sir!". The tractor released the Valiant to the tug ships so they could drag the Defiant class ship, battered into drydock.

Tom manoeuvred the Dreadnought class ship into the large drydock. He powered down the engines. "All hands this is the Admiral, I am granting shore leave till the ship is back up and ready to fight. Go and enjoy yourselves, see friends and family" Aaron said over the ship's comm link. All the crew smiled. "With respect Admiral, I would like to remain behind and supervise the repairs of the ship" Tuvok said looking up from his console. Aaron looked round "Granted. Anyone else that would like to stay behind, is more than welcome too. I am not forcing you to see your loved ones" Aaron said.

Jay looked at Aaron from his chair "Sir, I would like to remain with you. Whatever posting you get, I want to be there" He said. "That's the first time I heard that Commander. Granted, whatever posing I get, your coming too" He smiled.

"Sir, Admiral Pike is hailing. Priority 1" Tuvok said, as he tapped on his console.

"Transfer it to my ready room Mr Tuvok. Mr Lee you have the bridge I guess" Aaron said walking back to his ready room. Tuvok transferred the hail to the Admirals computer. "Christopher, what can I do for you?" Aaron said softly as he sat down seeing Pike on his screen

"Admiral, since the USS Killer will be out of action for a few months due to repairs. We, at Starfleet Command, have assigned you a ship for temporary command. She is en-route to you as we speak" Pike said leaning forward resting his hands on the desk.

"What ship am I commanding then Admiral Pike?" Aaron asked hoping Pike would tell him or at least give him a hint of the class of the ship.

"I can't say Admiral but you'll like her" Pike said. "Pike out" He added ending the hail.

Aaron shook his head sighing softly. He got up from his chair and walked out on the bridge. "Starfleet has given me a temporary assignment on Starship. They won't tell me what ship just that it's on it's way here as we speak" He said addressing what bridge crew was left on the bridge.

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