1. Tick-Tock Click-Clock

24 1 6

The sun in England was as vacant as a British person's teeth

Birds chirped in annoying unison like a rotting Christmas wreath

Clouds formed around the countryside as if ready to strike

Making it look like the Third Reich was preparing to fight tonight

Alice awoke to a big millipede resting on her petite little nose

With a big ass stomach and thousands of rose colored toes

She jumped up in a fright - scared that it would bite

So she crushed it on the site and covered it in white

Alice then began to get ready for the big day

The day her sister would be swayed away by the man in gray

It was Sarah's supposed dream come true from the day she was born

But to Alice that shit was boring as fuck and she yearned for some more

Alice turned 17 only a week ago and she already felt old

Life wasn't fun anymore and everything was gilded gold

She wanted to get involved in her wildest fantasies and have her worries dissolved

To unfold the wonders of reality and fantasy like a mystery to be solved

She was dubious that her luck would soon change

Because she knew that everything was pre-arranged

She would have to wed Thomas Smith on the day she turned 18

And give up her independence and execute all her bright dreams

She didn't want to suffer the same fate as Sarah, oh heavens no

Alice was already thinking of ways to try to escape and never grow

But despite being in the midst of a foreshadowing impending doom

She reminded herself she had to get dressed and be ready before noon

So she slipped on her dull and shit colored dress

And walked down the stairs now even more depressed

When she got to the table and saw her parents eating toast with no jam

She barked, 'What the fuck is wrong with you fam?'

'All you bitches are fucking witches because you love the goddamn dark!

Like this table is so fucking old it could be scrap wood from Noah's Ark!

And you guys don't even enjoy your own fucking company!

And now Sarah is basically giving her life away to this faggotry!'

'That's enough out of you Alice, we've been very patient with you.

All you want to do is go against our wishes and screw up the new.

Your life's a zoo and your behavior is out of control young lady. 

You have to realize that the fun is over and that you're not a baby.'

The kitchen was now silent as a mouse...

'Did you see my wedding blouse?!'

Sarah stormed into the house in joy of her expectant spouse

But to Alice, she was basically already locked inside a wretched jailhouse

'It looks lovely dear, you look just like your mother!'

'Oh brother' Alice began to moan and mutter back at her father

And as the clock dwindled down, it sent a shiver down Alice's spine

Because she knew that in a couple months it would soon be her time...

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