Chapter 2 .Dangerous steps

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As if you knew what you are talking about.- the confident toned voice bounced across April's head...

Jen, April's best friend couldn't bare it any more, her friend's unusual silence seemed eternal.

"Could you please cheer up? He is just a weirdo." Jen said as both girls walked outside of the classroom right after the incident had happened.

April smiled weakly.

"I just didn't expect ... dislike," she sighed sadly, "You know how much I worked for it."

Jen sighed too. Then she patted her friend's shoulder.

"Ah, I think I'm getting a headache." April complained as she placed her hands on her head and pressed it lightly.

"He didn't even do the assignment; don't get upset by somebody who wasn't even better than you."

"Yeah, you are right, I guess. Mrs. Schanider seemed really satisfied."

"She was!" Jen assured her, she knew how her friend wasn't used to negative feedback, at least not expressed in such a direct, sudden way.

Jen and April had been best friends since sixth grade, both pretty and naturally popular, they got along perfectly.

Jen suddenly elbowed her friend as she pointed with her eyes at a blonde  boy standing nearby.

April shifted her gaze up, at him.


He was with one of his friends, Jeff. Austin's natural and genuine smile was refreshing to see; it even made April forget the morning incident with its charm.

She smiled and bit her lips as she walked closer.

Austin turned to Jen and April, who were slowly approaching, and smiled at them.

"Hi guys!" Jen loudly greeted them.

"Hi." April  repeated.

Both Jeff and Austin greeted them back. Immeadiately, Jen enganged in a conversation with Jeff, in order to give Austin and April a space to engange their own.

"So, how was your presentation?" Austin asked once they were alone.

"Well..." April spoke with certain dissapointment on her voice.

"It was great, except some jerk said it sucked." Jen interrupted, squeezing into their conversation.

“What? Really? Who?" Austin asked.

"Ah... I don't know his name..." Said Jen pursing her lips and trying to recall.

"You guys know how hard I practiced for that presentation." April told them.


Chocolate chip cookies, dark chocolate cookies, oatmeal cookies... 

Her finger indecisively passed throughout the cookie bags on the store's shelf.

She finally picked the chocolate chips.

April, now happy with her choice, started walking away to the cashier, but she stopped when she suddenly felt one of those unexpected sharp headaches she felt now and then, but that lately, had become often .

Damn, my head...

She had been studying extra hours for her tests of last week. Besides she had to prepare for her psychology presentation so she had been under a lot of stress. She had been having those headaches more oftenly since then.

She inhaled and exhaled in order to calm the pain, and then she gently massaged her head with her  fingers as she walked to the medicine's hallway.

The store was almost empty; it seemed empty, except for the cashier, and herself. It was pretty late at night anyway.

Good, I don't like crowded areas. - She thought.

It would just have worsened her headache.

With one hand holding the chocolate chip cookies, and the other one on her head, she finally got to the medicine hallway.

There was a boy kneeling in the hallway, he was checking some medicines at the bottom part of white shelf.

He was checking the medicines. He was grabbing the medicines. He was putting them inside his book bag.

He was stealing!

Oh my God, -April stayed frozen, she had never witnessed a theft-

What am I supposed to do?! This boy is stealing! I must tell the cashier! I must-

Wait a minute ... that Face... those green eyes, his black hair...

Isn't he that guy?! Ever since that impulsive and sudden comment, his face stayed on her memory.

Startled, she dropped her cookie bag from her hand.

He heard the bag drop. Slowly, his eyes shifted from the medicines he was stealing, to the fallen bag right next to her pink shoes, then his bright green eyes went up to her, until he was able to see her surprised face.

Both of them stared at each of other for several seconds, probably a minute, until he finally looked away and closed his book bag. Then he calmly stood up and April was able to notice how tall he was.

She was tall,and he was about her height, they were two tall people in the hallway, indeed.

"What the hell are you doing?!" she screamed instinctively.

But he didn't answer; he just turned his back at her and started his way out of the store.

"Hey! Stop that! Hey!" she stepped closer.

Annoyed, he turned back to her.

"Stop screaming, will you?" he said.

"I'll tell the police if you don't-"

"I'll kill you." His voice was serious. And his green eyes revealed the honesty of his words.

Her heart fluttered in fear and she stood still, frozen and quiet. Her dark eyes widely opened. after observing her reaction, his seriousness dissapeared.

"Hah!" He exhaled a laugh, "You should look at your face; you look pathetically scared now." He said between laughs.

What the hell?! How could I've fell for that?

He turned once more and walked away towards the door.

The cashier had his headphones on all the time.


Was it right to tell him? Should she go to the police?

 Should she follow him?! 

A thousand of thoughts and consequences ran through her mind. But... wouldn't it be worse it she was a witness of his medicine theft?

The cookie bag was left on the floor. But she ran after him.


Please leave feedback below! If you're wondering why this chapters are so short, I'll explain later.

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