Chapter 3 - Unexpected Kindness

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She hadn't run in several months, probably because she had no time, but with every step she took, her headache increased not to mention that she was loosing her breath quickly.

She stopped in the middle of the dark lonely street to breath and to look around. There was no trace of that boy. Her headache got sharper.

Damn !

She closed her eyes tightly and cursed under her breath. The headache made her head burn in pain. She bent on the sidewalk breathing heavily.

"I can't chase him anyway..." she spoke to herself, breathless.

"Why not?" someone said behind her back.

Startled, she stood up at once and turned around.

He was smiling, his dark hair dancing with the cool night wind.

Why the hell was he smiling?!

"You...." April muttered, weakly. She was still tired and her headache was not gone.

"Yeah, me...." he was still smiling.

His smile revealed two dimples on each of his cheeks.

For a moment, his beautiful, childlish, and innocent smile fooled her into almost forgetting why she was in such breathless condition.

"You... were... stealing." she accused, fealing even weaker.

"And you..." he said, examining her face. "Are running out of oxygen."

"What?" She could barely talk. She sat on the floor.

He kneeled next to her. He wasn't smiling anymore. "Do you feel pain in your chest right now?"

She nodded.

"Do you feel dizzy?"

She nodded once more.

"Don't you..." April tried to speak "Have a bottle of water or something on your... bookbag?" She stared at his black bookbag where he kept his stolen medicines.

He shook his head, just medicines that didnt seem to fit the purpose.

" I... think it's...-" she started.

"Stop talking." He ordered. Where the hell had that seriosuness come from? Some seconds ago he was smiling. "Lay down."

April had no time to speak, she had no breath for that, so she just did as told and layed on the sidewalk.  It was a painful , tight feeling in her chest ,wich made her unable to  breath properly.

He placed his hand behind her head in order to hold it up to facilitate her breathing.

April slowly started to recover her breath, and the pain on her chest and shoulders was gone, her headache seemed to be persistent, though.

They stayed there, silently. He sitting next to her as his strong hand held her head. She looked up to the dark sky , slowly inhaling and exhaling.

As if you knew what you were talking about.

How could he say that? Why? She wanted to ask him in that very moment, why exactly did he thought her presentation was fake, comercial and hipocrite? But words wouldn't just come out. It was even a little bit hard to believe that same boy, sitting next to her on the dark night, had told her all that. Not after she saw his cute childlish smile, not after he had helped her this night. Not now that she felt his strong, firm hand holding her head.

There were no stars that night, a sad, dark night; so she shifted her gaze to him. He was staring at the sky.

He felt her watching on him, and turned his face to her. "You ok?" he asked.

"It happens when I run. It hadn't happened in quite a while, though." she exhaled a laugh.

"Yeah, maybe you're overweight. " He gently removed his hand from the back of her head. Then he stood up as he noticed she could breath normally again.

"What!? I'm not!" She sat up.

"Or..." He said, looking down at her. " You have excercise-induced asthma." He smiled. But this time it wasn't that teeth-showing smile, just his lips pressed together forming a confusing... frown... that looked more less like a smile.

"Eh?" Her dark eyes stared at him in confussion.

He started walking away, "Chase me some other day!" he waved his hand goodbye.

"Hey! Are you a doctor or what?!" she shouted at him. "Maybe that's why you stole all of those medicines!" she screamed louder, in a sarcastic tone.

He was already too far away from her, and he had probably not heard her, and if he did, anyway, he just didn't mind not answering.


Author's Note:  Sorry for it's shortness, you'll see how chapters increase in length as you move on. Thank you for reading, remember to comment below! Spare a vote too, those make me so happy. 

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