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I saw the sparks in his smile
The lust behind his lies
And the curiosity behind his eyes
He looked at me and smiled
My heart melted for a while
I looked straight up and ignored him
But he kept on following me
I fell for those sparks,lies,and his curiosity
But I didn't know that they're gonna be the end of me
So I fell,and I kept on falling
But a day came and I fell again but it didn't felt like falling
He ripped every single piece in me
But he used to call me flawless
He used me and then threw me
I felt like falling
And the irony here is that I used to call falling—love
But now I call falling—death
I'm sorry I didn't be the one
But this was all I got
You thought that I would die because of you
Ha your thoughts will convey you
So stop apologizing while asking me back
Because now I see that those thoughts really did kill you
But didn't kill me


I can't believe it!!!!
We hit 3.4k reads and we are in rank 70
Thank youuu,I owe you a lot❤❤

However,I wanna salute ever single person texting me and asking for advice because as a friend once told me"the minute you start sharing,it gets better"
Again I salute your bravery,so if you want anything I'm here to listen and not to judge,take care and have a nice day

Thank you for reading beautiful

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