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It really took me time to decide on what poems I should upload because they are allllll too beautiful.
So the three consecutive chapters will include poems from amazing poets!
And to all poets who sent me poems,I admire your bravery,and all of your poems are amazing,keep up!!!

Their is some kind of unknown pain I'm feeling right now,
I'm trying hard to overcome it, but in reality I don't know how,
I'm feeling like I'm all alone in this journey,
Their is no one with me, who can be the source of my energy,
I don't know how long I'll feel so low,
But in present,
I have nowhere to go...

I want to shout out all my pain that hurt me so deep,
But I can't do so, because they really sound so cheap,
I'm really broken,
But to re-live, I'll have to find the reason,
The worst thing is, though i feel like crying,
But hell, tears never fall down from my eyes,
To be honest, I don't know why is it so,
And the only thing I feel is,
I have nowhere to go..

My friends always asks me, why do I write, how do I write,
And I'm helpless to say, that my pain is the only guide,
I really have an intention to be something great,
Because normal things, with time gets fade,
I swear I've tried to adopt every change that I faced,
Even I've started a new journey with a new phase,
Though I tried to change myself from head to toe,
But this time,
I have nowhere to go..

I really want to forget my past,
But again and again it hit me so hard,
I don't know about my future,
But the present is so cruel,
Though I laugh, and make others laugh,
But at heart,I really feel so half,
I never allow anyone to see the pain behind my smile,
And the reason is that, I don't want to open those past files,
I hope soon I'll bury the pain in me that I don't wanna show,
And also I'll find,
The way where I can go...
                                    -Prabhakar Choubey

So PrabhakarChoubey is one of the bravest and amazing poets ever!!!
So go read his story 'My shattered life and poetry'!!!!!!!!!!!!
And comment your opinion guys!!!

Thank you for reading beautiful

My Hidden Notes Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon