Chapter 18

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"Are y'all ready to roll out?" I asked my crew. Everything was about to go down. We were gunna run up on Diablo's spot right now. We were ready to go.

"Yea we good." They responded as they all finished strapping up. We looked like the fuckin SWAT team in here.

"Before we head out I wanna say a prayer first. Everyone gather around please." I asked and waited for them to comply. When they were all gathered around I began my prayer.

"Lord God, I know that what we do isn't right and that we all have sinned countless amounts of time. However I ask that you can keep us safe and deliver us from evil. I ask that you can bring us back home to our families safely. Lord we all have faith in you and the things that you do. You have blessed all of our lives and for that we are very thankful. In the name of the heavenly father and the holy ghost, In Jesus's name we pray, Amen." The following Amens echoed throughtout my warehouse.

"Alright lets go." Deandre yelled before everyone started piling up in the vans. It was me, Deandre, Ra'Quan and Ryda in one van. Phillipe, Ghost, Michael and Ray in another and the rest of my boys hopped in the last two vans before we all peeled out of the garage.

We sped down the road until we came closer to Diablo's warehouse. We parked a few blocks away from there and we all hopped out the trucks.

"Alright, I want the first set of groups to access the side of the warehouse, I want the other set in the back and the last set going through the front. Be quiet, be stealthy and be smart." I mentioned before we all assumed our positions. I gave the signal and me and my men moved out. My set was the one going through the back. We quietly made our way to the back and checked to see if the door would be opened. It wasn't. I pulled out a bobby pin from my pocket and picked the lock and the door handle twisted open. I held the door open for my men as they entered the warehouse. I led my group through the dark walkway. We didn't hear anyone talking or anything but that doesn't mean no one was there. We turned a narrow corner where we were confronted by three men who weren't our men walking towards us. As soon as they registered us, guns where drawn.

"Who the fuck are y'all?" One of the men asked. Because it was so dark I couldn't make out his profile, but he looked to be taller than the other two.

"Where's Diablo?" I asked.

"And let me ask again, who the fuck are y'all?" The man asked again raising his gun at me.

"Wrong answer." I said as I let off rounds on the man who spoke before he had a chance to shoot. My boys let off rounds on the other two. We all had silencers on our guns so other than the sounds of their bodies hitting the ground it was pretty silent. We continued to make our way through the warehouse until we came across a closed room door with the lights shining underneath. From the sounds of it, it sounded like people were fuckin. I motioned to my boys and Ryda moved in to kick down the door. We made our way into the room where there were two females and a man in the bed. The females both jumped up and screamed as the man tried to grab his gun but Ryda was on him before he could and twisted his arm behind his back until you heard the popping of bone.

"Where's Diablo at?" Ryda interrogated the man he had in what had to be the most painful death grip known to man.

"Fuck you man! How the fuck did y'all get up in here?" The man asked between gritted teeth.

"No, no, no sir. This is not how this game is played. Let me explain the rules of the game. I ask the questions, you answer them. If I don't like your answer then this little dislocated bone in your shoulder will be ripping through your skin rather painfully might I add." Ryda explained tapping the joint that popped out of place. The mans breathing increased.

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