Part 2 - Game Bang

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"Seriously!? Again!? Haven't we already done more than enough of these stupid dance games!? I swear, the only reason that we keep doing these games is because everyone loves seeing me epically fail!" Lasercorn grumbled as he flung a pillow at a wall. "It's not my fault that I was born with two left feet; although to be fair, no one can beat these magic fingers when it comes to working the game console..." 

Ian covered his mouth as he let out a slight chuckle; he could never tell if Lasercorn kept saying bizarre comments on purpose, or was just naturally so amusing. "Hey, at least if we both do terribly, maybe you'll be dancing with me yet again. Wouldn't that Iancorn reunion be wonderful?" Ian said as he did a gentle leap across the floor. 

"No. That would be the worst." 


"So guys, welcome to another episode of Game Bang, and joining us today are Ian and Anthony! Today, we will be playing Just Dance 2017, where the losers will have to participate in a sexy, steamy, romantic partner dance." Chorus of Oos from the rest of the crew.  "And hopefully, it won't be me again." Joshua announced. "Since he was being a complete weenie backstage before we started for fear of embarrassing himself, let's, clearly, start with Lasercorn!"

David let out a very drawn-out audible sigh. "Fine, lets' just get this over with...what song is this...oh dear." He attempted to show the slip of paper to the camera, but just ended up dropping it. "It's Umbrella by Rihanna." The rest of the crew let out hoots and shouts. 

"Why is she holding a stick in her hand?", David called back to the rest of the group as the dance moves began flashing across the screen. "It's an umbrella, you fool; that's why it's the title of the song!" "Oh. Right." David began squatting up and down while using his right hand to twirl around an imaginary umbrella, and these above-head lassos just turned into awkward fist-pumping; attempts to swerve his body back and forth, just made him look as if he was repeatedly head-banging. He had placed his hands behind his head in order to pose, but ended up flapping his arms like a chicken. 

"Dude, the new Ultimate Chicken Horse is next week! Save your sick dance moves for then!" Anthony laughed as he bent forward, mock choking with laughter. 

"Shut up! Let's see you try to do this!" David called back with a contorted expression on his face. "This is really hard!", he whined. "Oh no...", David grimaced as he began drawing up his hands in front of himself while squatting, as if climbing something. "Hey mom, look at me, I'm a climbing stripper now!" to a fresh chorus of laughter. 

And once, when he tried to draw up one of his legs, he stood as one-legged flamingo for a brief moment before keeling over to the side, causing everyone to erupt into a cacophany of laughter. He looked absolutely ridiculous, childish, immature, and yet...There was something undeniably sexy about his movement, no matter how rigid. A shiver ran down Ian's spine. 

After what David felt like was a million years but was in reality 4 minutes, the song finally stopped. Ending with what was meant to be a striking finishing pose with his back facing but head turned towards to the camera, David just collapsed into a pile on the floor, breathing very heavily. "Never again...just never again," he said, panting. "I'm not fit enough for this." 


"So I will be doing...", Ian mumbled as he fiddled through the hat, "...Born This Way by Lady Gaga. Wait, seriously, who picked all these stupid songs?" 

"I did; now hop to it," called Sunny from behind the cameras. 

"If these are the songs we are doing for the initial rounds, what on earth is the song that the losers have to do?" 

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