Part 5 - Brunch

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"Well there you are!", Ian got up from the bench to greet David, his arms open in exasperation. "I've been waiting here for at least...15 minutes," he said, glancing at his phone. 

David rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Well I'm sorry. I had to make sure that Tyler was OK with the babysitter, and I woke up late this morning. As usual." 

Ian laughed, "And I wouldn't expect anything else from you. Speaking of which, the ladies are running a little late from the shopping mall; they're stuck in traffic. I still don't understand how anyone could wake up so early in the morning to walk around on six-inch stilts ooing and aahing at things they probably wouldn't end up buying. I'd rather spend the morning sleeping." 

David shrugged, "I guess whatever floats their boat. Should we just go in first? I'm sure they'll be here in just a few minutes. Brina had heard of this place " 

Ian replied, "That works. Besides, I need someone that is not so sunny to play Fruit Ninja on; it's really hard to see the screen in all this light. Besides, I like the air con."

"Seriously? You still play that ridiculous mobile app? Don't you have anything better to do with your time?" David responded as they started heading to the restaurant. 

"Only when I'm bored."


"So...a table for two? Would you prefer a romantic table by the window, or would you guys prefer to be closer to the center?", the cheery hostess asked with a smile. 

"Ummm...", Ian paused. "No, we're not a couple," he said, gesturing towards himself and David. "We actually have a reservation for 4 under Brina Moss; the rest of our party will be arriving shortly." 

"Oh! Well, then please let me escort you to your table. Please follow me.", the hostess turned, gesturing for the two of them to follow her. "Here are the menus, please take your time going over them. Today's brunch special is a cheese soufflé, and if you have any questions about the food, please feel free to ask any of the waitstaff. Please take your time," the hostess smiled as she left. 

David sighed, "Well...that was awkward," as he unfolded the napkin and placed it across his lap. 

Ian replied, "You think? I've spent the better part of a decade fending off allegations about me and Anthony being...together, and I'm sick of all these artists and fan-fiction writers continuously trying to put us together. I'm not gay, and I shouldn't have to continuously put up with all these people trying to make me feel uneasy about my sexuality. I'm perfectly comfortable with who I am, and who I'm with, and I wish everyone else around me could see that too. At least with Anthony having left Smosh, the constant barrage has subsided a bit, but..." Ian paused, suddenly aware that David was staring intently at him from across the table, both hands clutched underneath and supporting his head. "I'm sorry, I just...this is a sensitive topic for me. I'm sure it's harder for people who are actually gay to come out and be themselves, but I'm just so tired and weary of people accusing Pam of stealing me from Anthony, or honestly, sometimes even you. She doesn't mind, but...I do. I'm sorry that you had to listen to this long and boring rant." Ian bent forward and put his hands behind his neck, staring at his plate. "I just feel as if I needed to get that out. I can't understand why people can't just be friends, and they have to be sucked into this twisted journey of being 'shipped', which just ends up hurting everyone involved." 

David gently took one of Ian's hands in his and softly said, "Don't apologize. I totally get it. I don't have the entire malicious internet community whisper falsities about my sexuality behind a screen, but like any other Youtuber, I've had my fair share of nasty comments that really shook me sometimes, be it about my bizarre orange hair, my mohawk, my wife and child, or my clearly amazing skill at gaming." He gave a chuckle and smirk after that statement. "I sometimes wish I could just go up to the haters and yell in their face, force them to back their words. But I can't. I just know that I have people in my life who know what everything everyone else says isn't true, and that they would support me and love me for who they are." David placed his other hand on top of Ian's. "And I at least hope you know that you'll be my bro, no matter what happens."

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