Chapter Five: Confession

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The sound of the tent flapping in the wind woke Natsu. He sits up, resting on one arm and rubbing his eyes with the other. Gray is still awake, staring into the fire.

"How long was I out?" Natsu asks, stifling a yawn.

"An hour or so." Gray says handing a sandwich to Natsu who takes it hungrily.

"Has the storm let up any?"

"No. If anything, it's getting worse. Looks like we might be stuck here a while." Gray throws a few sticks into the fire.

"The scent is already faint. By the time we get out of here, it'll probably be completely gone." Natsu nibbles on the edges of his sandwich. Peanut butter and jelly!

"Nothing we can do about it. We'll just have to wing it."

"What are we going to do to pass the time?" Natsu asks as he bites off the last bit of crust on his sandwich.

Gray sighs, annoyed by all the questions. "I don't know. I didn't bring anything to play with."

"Neither did I. Wanna talk?"

"About what?" Gray pokes the fire with a stick causing some burning ash to fly up.

"You choose." Natsu takes a large bite out of his sandwich, causing some jelly to squeeze out into his hand.

"It was your idea." Gray counters.

"Fine." Natsu looks around for a moment, racking his brain for a topic. "Interested in anyone?" Gray jumped slightly and blushed.

"Not really..."

"OOOOOH! That means yes! Gray likes someone!" Natsu starts listing off all the possible people Gray could like in his head. Juvia? No. Too clingy. Lucy? Nah. She's too classy. Maybe Erza? Yeah! That has to be it!

"How mature of you." Gray says sarcastically.

"Who is it? Is it someone I know?" Natsu crawls closer to Gray, forgetting all about his half-eaten sandwich.

Gray turns his head as he blushes even more, not wanting Natsu to see. "Yeah..."

"TELL ME! The suspense is pure torture!" Natsu pleads.

Gray takes a deep breath, holding it in for a while before letting it out. "It's... It's you, Natsu." Natsu sits there for a while processing what Gray just said, his smile slowly fading away as the words and their meanings click inside his mind.

"M- Me?" Natsu stammers, still in shock by what gray said. This is some kind of joke. Haha real funny Gray. "No really. Tell me who."

"I'm not lying. It's you." Gray pulls his knees up to his chest and hugs them, fear filling his body. I just told Natsu I like him. I really did it.


"That's all you're going to say?" Gray asks, trying to keep the panic out of his voice.

Natsu stares at the back of Gray's head. "What do you want me to say? It's a lot to take in. I need time to process this."

"I know." Gray says, choking back tears. That didn't go as bad as I thought it would have.

"Gray?" Natsu places a hand on Gray's right shoulder to comfort him. "Thanks for telling me." Gray simply nods, too afraid he'll lose his composure if he talks. Poor guy. He must be so scared that I'll reject him or even worse, turn on him. I've never really thought about being with anyone other than Lisanna, especially a guy. I guess I could give it a try? Who knows, I may like being with Gray!

Natsu scoots up next to Gray and gives him a hug from the side. "You should get some sleep. I'll keep watch." Gray nods his appreciation and crawls into his sleeping bag, turning so his back faces Natsu. Yeah. I think I'll give this a try!

Gray couldn't sleep. His mind kept wondering back to Natsu as what he was thinking. It's fine if he doesn't feel the same way about me. I knew the chances of him wanting me were slim. But what if he does? Gray's heart beat faster and his stomach filled with butterflies. He didn't outright reject me which means there is hope! Unless he wants to spare my feelings. Is that what he's doing?! Oh god, don't let it be! Gray's mind switched rapidly from hope to gloom and vice versa many times until he finally passed into unconsciousness. When he finally awoke five hours later, his mind was still on Natsu.

"Good morning, sleepy head." Came a voice. "Earth to Gray! Are you going to lay there all day?" Gray snapped out of his thoughts and realized his eyes had been open and that Natsu was leaning over him, his hand moving in front of his face. "There you are! Welcome back." Natsu chuckled.

"Man, how long was I out?" Gray winced as a sharp pain shot through his lower back as he sat up.

"Almost five hours." Natsu states, covered in a thick fluffy blanket as he sips a bowl of hot chicken noodle soup.

"You look cold." Gray jokes. Crawling over to the soup pan and spooning some into a clean bowl.

"The storm's almost stopped but the temperature is still dropping. We may have to make a break for it and head back." Natsu says as he lets out a small shiver.

"You're just a wimp." Gray teases as he takes a drink of the soup, glad for the warmth.

"Hey! Is that how you treat the person who cooked you a nice hot meal?" Natsu says jokingly with a wink.

Gray freezes for a second. Did he just wink at me? Natsu notices Gray's pause and blushes.

"I've thought it over, and I'm willing to give it- Us a try." Natsu says smiling at Gray.

"I... Thanks." Gray says smiling at the floor.

"So how does this whole... being together thing work?" Natsu asks nervously.

"We could start with this meal? Our first date?"

"Yeah. I'd like that." Natsu says scooting up next to Gray so that they were touching.

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