Chapter One: Recieving a Job

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"Lucy," Natsu whined, his back laying on the counter and his head dangling over the other side, "I'm bored."

Lucy, who looks quite bored herself, gives Natsu a sideways glance from the stool next to him. "Well, what do you want me to do about it?" She asks with a sigh.

"I know!" Natsu exclaims sitting up with a mischievous look on his face. "We can use your invisibility potion and pull everyone's pants down." Natsu says as he covers his mouth with his hands, trying to keep from laughing too loudly from the thought of depantsing Gray in front of Erza.

"Why did my pants fall down?!" Yells fantasy Gray reaching for his shorts.

"Are you trying to make a move on me Gray?" Fantasy Erza asks seriously raising her eyebrow.

"No! I- I don't know what happened!!" Fantasy Gray stammers as he pulls up his shorts.

"I take this stuff very seriously!" Fantasy Erza yells as she requips into a fancy red gown. "You will be at my place tonight at eight. Bring flowers and your dancing shoes." Fantasy Erza adds walking away.

Fantasy Gray stands there, shock and horror on his face as he contemplates his demise. "Death by dance with the devil" written on his tomb stone.

"That potion was supposed to be for bathing!" Lucy says, snapping Natsu out of his fantasy. "It only had that effect because it had been sitting for seven years." Lucy says in a matter of fact tone.

Natsu steps off the stool and stands in front of Lucy facing her. "Come on! There has to be some left?" Natsu asks pleadingly with puppy dog eyes and clasping his hands together under his chin.

"Even if there was some left, I wouldn't use it for something so immature." She says looking away from Natsu and crossing her arms.

"Fine." Natsu's says leaning his back against the bar in defeat. He surveys the room. Erza and Gray are talking at a table on the other side of the room. Happy is chasing a clearly distressed Charle around the hall.

Just then, Master Makarov appeared at the bottom of the stairs. "Erza, Gray, Natsu, Lucy, Happy. Follow me."

The five of them gave each other puzzled looks, then proceeded to follow the master upstairs and to a secluded room. Once inside, they found a middle aged man in an expensive outfit sitting with his legs crossed at a table in the center of the room.

"Come. Sit." Makarov said as he gestured to the open chairs. "Mr. Bazdo has a special request for the five of you. When you're ready Mr. Bazdo."

Mr. Bazdo sat up straighter and leaned on the table with his forearms as he clasps his hands together. "This is a very private matter, so I want whatever is said in here to stay between us. I will not tolerate any slip ups. Understood?" He asks sternly.

They all nodded in agreement.

"Good." He said while pulling out a manilla folder and setting it on the table." About three months ago, my daughter Angelia disappeared." He opened the folder and pulled out a photo setting it faced up towards us.

The girl had blonde hair that reached down to her waist and appeared to be sixteen. She was pretty thin with green eyes and a small nose. On her right hand was a birthmark in the shape of a butterfly.

"Wow! Why can't you be pretty like her, Lucy?" Happy asks as he hovers above the photo.

"Now that's just uncalled for, cat!" Lucy retorts as she sinks into her chair.

Mr. bazdo ignored this outburst and continues. "I hired a private detective to track her down, but he's had no luck. The only lead we have is a servant who saw Angelia leave the estate by horse. We don't own horses and none of the stables nearby remember selling one to anyone matching her description. That's where the trail ends. Not even so much as rumors or sightings." As Mr. Bazdo finishes, he collects the papers he had pulled out of the folder while he was talking.

"So. Do you you feel up to the task?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"How much are you paying?" Lucy asks thinking about how her rent is due next week.

Erza shoots Lucy a dirty look. "It's not about how much someone is willing to pay, Lucy." She says, slamming her fist on the table. "Mr. Bazdo has a missing child. Regardless of how difficult the task or how much the reward, we will take it if we deem it within our abilities to complete."

"It's all right Ms. Scarlet." Mr. Bazdo says waving his hand as if to blow away the rudeness of Lucy's question. "I've placed the reward at thirteen million Jewels." He states plainly as if it's pocket change. "I'm willing to increase the payment if it means you'll take the job?" He says in an enticing way.

"No. That's more than generous." Master Makarov says as he climbs up on the table and faces the group. "So. What do you say?"

All five stand up without hesitation. "We'll do it!" They yell with enthusiasm.

"Perfect! Makarov assured me that you would! So I took the liberty of purchasing your train tickets ahead of time." Mr. Bazdo says as he hands five tickets to Erza.

"WHAAAAAT! No one mentioned a train!" Natsu yells as he heads for the door. "You can count me out. Have fun without me." He adds waving.

*CLUNK* Erza brought her fist down on top of Natsu's head. He's completely immobilized but still conscious.

"How can you let something like motion sickness get in the way of helping a person in need." Erza says through gritted teeth as she drags Natsu by the foot out the door. "We'll be back once we've completed the job!" Erza yells to Master Makarov as the sound of Natsu's head hitting the stairs fills the Guild.

"Boy those kids sure are rowdy." Makarov says to himself. "I do hope the don't destroy another town." He adds in a worried tone, sweat beading his forehead.

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