Chapter Eleven: Welcome Home?

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"Come on. Let's go see Porlyusica." Gray grabs Natsu's hand and leads him down the road. "See you guys in a bit!" Gray yells back at Erza, Lucy, and Happy as he waves with his free hand.

"Take good care of my favorite ship!" Erza yells in response and getting a puzzled look from Gray. "I hope everything is okay..." she mumbles quietly to herself.

"Now that this crazy ordeal is over, it's time I went home and showered." Lucy says exhaustedly as she turns and walks away, her shoulders slumped over. "Call me if your hear anything about Natsu."

"Come, Happy." Erza demands. "I'll treat you to some fish tonight. My treat."

"Really?!" Happy asks excitedly as drool dribbled down his chin and dripped onto the ground from just the thought of all the tasty fish.

"Yes." Erza laughed with an evil glimmer in her eyes as she squatted down and gently shut Happy's mouth. "I wouldn't want my new... informant to faint from hunger now would I?" Erza asks a clueless and dazed Happy.

"No, sir!" Happy exclaims as he flys onto Erza's head and begins naming off his favorite fish that he wants.

Later that day Lucy arrives at the Guild and finds Erza, Happy, and Gray sitting in a booth with their heads lowered and talking in hushed voices. Lucy glances around but is puzzled at the absence of Natsu. "Where is Natsu?" Lucy asks when she walks up to the group.

"Still with Porlyusica." Gray says in an irritated voice. He slides down farther in the booth until his nose is level with the table and crosses his arms. "She didn't want me there while she was running tests." He says in a mocking tone. "That woman has some poor manners."

"That woman is taking care of Natsu." Erza scolds Gray. "You should be thanking her."

"When will she be done." Lucy waves her hand at Gray, motioning for him to move farther into the booth.

Gray sighs and slides to the wall before sitting up and resting his elbows on the table with his hands on either side of his head. "I don't know. She rushed me out of there before I could ask any questions."

"I could go check?" Happy offers.

"No. We should respect her wishes and remain here." Erza picks up her fork as Mira stops at the booth and sets a delicious looking Strawberry cake in front of her. "Besides," Erza says as she stabs the cake and puts it into her mouth. "If we upset Porlyusica, master will be the next person upset." Erza swallows the cake and belches.

Just then, the Guild doors open. Porlyusica walks in with a terrified looking Natsu following closely behind. Gray stands up and starts to walk over until Porlyusica shakes her head at him. Gray sits back down and watches as she and Natsu cross the hall and come to a halt in front of Master Makarov. She leans over and whispers something into his ear. He nods his head and stands, motioning for her and Natsu to follow him. He leads them up stairs and to a secluded room where he shuts the door.

"That's not a good sign." Gray says nervously, clearly trying not to panic.

"Whatever it is, we'll all get through it together." Erza says as she grabs Gray's hands with her sticky hands sympathetically and pats it, earning a disgusted look from him. Gray forces a smile and retracts his hand, wiping it on his pants. What's going on in there? He wonders as he looks up to the room. The door opens slightly and Master Makarov sticks his head out and glances around the room, his gaze falling on Gray. Makarov beckons Gray over with his hand and Gray quickly runs to him, slipping between him and the door frame. Makarov gives them a weak smile before closing the door.

"What's all that about?" Mira asks, returning to the table and ripping the plate out of Erza's hands as she attempts to lick it clean.

"We don't know." Lucy tells her as Erza glares at Mira. "Natsu's been acting strange today so we had him go see Porlyusica." Lucy lays her head down on the table and sighs, her eyelids getting heavier with every passing moment. She lets out another yawn before her eyes close and drifts off to sleep, letting the day's worries disappear.

"She must be worn out!" Mira states excitedly with a laugh. "She didn't mention how he was acting strange." So Erza fills her in, excluding Natsu and Gray's newfound love for each other, telling her about his new eating habit and his new behavior when sick. Mira stares at Erza when she finishes and begins to blush. "So... Gray and Natsu are... getting along?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes..." Erza responds nervously, feeling trapped and not knowing what to do. "I'm going to go wait over there..." Erza excuses herself past Mira and her powerful gaze and sits herself closer to the stairs, grateful that Mira returned to work instead of questioning her further. What could be going on in there? Erza ponders as she bites her thumb nail nervously.

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