Miracle: Graphic Competition Introduction

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Here you can practice making beautiful graphics and have a chance to win first place! First, let's set a few rules before we start.

One, be a good sport. Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn. If you lose, it just gives you a chance to improve and beat your last performance.

Two, don't copy other designers graphics, that's stealing and cheating. It's alright to be inspired, just don't copy. Your originality can win any game.

Three, follow the requirements. Or points will be taken off overall score, but please think outside the box and be creative with your work.

Four, there's a certain amount of time to claim your prizes. PM me for the prizes. I don't want you to win and not receive the prizes you deserve.

Five, when joining the contest, please comment 'joining'. It'll let me know how many people are joining.

Six, please email me your graphic at YoursTrulyMiracle@gmail.com, due to difficulties. I'll post your entry as soon as possible.

Seven, entries given after the due date, will not be accepted. There's no point of a due date if you give it late.

Eight, your graphics could be anime or real life people. I don't want to limit your creativity if I only said 'anime only' or 'real life people only'.

Finally, finished with the boring rules. Taking that aside, here comes the most interesting part. The prizes. Since Wattpad announced we're not allowed to trade votes (in my opinion, I don't think it's trading votes. Trading is exchanging (something) for something else. I'm giving out votes because that person deserves them since they won.), sadly I'll follow the rules to avoid being banned. I don't want to take that risk, so please understand. I apologize, these aren't the best prizes. [Originally, that's what I said but I'm going to change the prizes and add votes on your stories]

First Place Winner: A shout out, votes on all stories, 10 (honest) comments on story (of your choice), Graphic goes to Hall of Fame, a permanent follow from this account, my original account @YourDestinyMiracle and my backup account @Kazuna22164,and you have an option to request a cover made by Yours Truly.

Second Place Winner:  A shout out, 15 votes on story of your choice, a permanent follow my original account @YourDestinyMiracle and my backup account @Kazuna22164, and 5 (honest) comments on story (of your choice).

Third Place Winner: A shout out, 10 votes on story of your choice, three (honest) comments on story (of you choice), and a permanent follow my original account @YourDestinyMiracle and my backup account @Kazuna22164.

Honorable Mentions: A shout out, 5 votes on story of your choice, one (honest) comment on story (of you choice), and a permanent follow my original account @YourDestinyMiracle and my backup account @Kazuna22164.

Now, if you have any questions, feel free to ask (I prefer if you PM me or comment on one of the chapters). Have fun and good luck! :)

Yours Truly, Miracle

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