Chapter 8

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A/N~ Alright its Memorial Day and I've got to go hang out with my family but before I do here is the promised chapter 😎~

It wasn't long after that day that you requested more solo missions from Dragon. Before you realized another two years had passed you by and though you were able to keep up appearances when necessary, you and Sabo had grown somewhat apart.

Everyone had noticed your downward spiral by this point and some people like Koala and Ivankov were beginning to worry over you. Poor Sabo didn't know what to do but had tried to confront you on numerous occasions. In the end either his or your work would usually get in the way.

Now you were sent ahead to Dressrosa as reconnaissance for when Sabo and the others got there later. Apparently Dragon had started to deny your solo requests per Ivankov's advice. You had made sure to pay your respects to Ace on your way there after learning that Luffy was headed to Dressrosa too.

If there was any time to let Luffy know about Sabo it was probably now or never. You weren't going to wait again like you had tried to do for Ace. The only person who you told about your connection with the three brothers was Robin. And that was only because she had partially guessed herself before goading the rest out of you.

In other words Robin had also guessed correctly about how you had fallen head over heels for the blonde chief of the Revolutionary Army and that the gap in his memory had upset you. Most people thought you were hard to read but apparently that was not the case with Robin. It took a lot of convincing for her not to tell the others, and you hope to never feel that vulnerable again.

But now was not the time for your inner thoughts to ramble on.

Currently you were clearing the way for Sabo to get inside the Coliseum while also trying to remain undetected. Somehow the big goof didn't seem to realize that the number of guards were lacking from what was on the security reports.

When you finally reached where Luffy and his allies were you quickly hid behind one of the many bricked pillars in order to listen in. Sabo walked in slowly taking his sweet ass time to approach his little brother.

"I can't let you have the Flare-Flare fruit Straw hat Luffy."

"Who the hell are you?! You can't talk to Luffy-senpai like that! He's the brother of the legendary Fire-Fist Ace and the future King of the Pirates you moron!"

"I've known that from way back."

The green haired guy that shouted was then pushed towards your direction and you just barely managed to remain undetected as he crashed into something. That was close.

"It's me Luffy."

"What do you mean 'it's me?' The Flare-Flare Fruit is a keepsake from Ace! So if you want it you're my enemy!"

You couldn't see it but you could just sense the smug smirk on Sabo's face.

"And you called me 'Luffy' but just look at this beard! I'm Lucy!"

"You think I can't tell my brother's face even when he's in disguise?"

"Brother? Listen, the only people who can call me that are the late Ace and one other guy who died eariler..."

As he trailed off on his last sentence you saw the recognition begin to show on Luffy's face as the poor ravenette boy started to get teary eyed. Then as it hit him full force his eyes bugged out and he practically flew backwards as he stumbled into a pillar while yelling his brother's name. After hitting his head he immediately got back to his feet yelling "You're lying!"

"We stole a bottle of sake from Dadan and made a toast."

At this statement Luffy soon had stretched his arms across the corridor and attached himself to Sabo's face. Sabo found himself unable to breath as his brother balled like a small child. You found yourself unable to concentrate on what was being said between the two after that point as your own tears threatened to spill and reveal your location. Much like Luffy you had found the happy emotions of the reunion almost too much for you to handle.



As the bottle rolled away from you a hand stretched and grabbed you by the back of the shirt before pulling you out of your hiding spot.

Luffy took only a moment to recognize you in his grasp before clinging to your waist and continuing his earlier crying.

"(y/n)!! You're here too!!"

"Hey there Luffy long time no see."

You pat the raven haired boy on the head as he blubbered into your shirt.

"I'm so sorry (y/n)!! You were right this whole time!! Me and Ace should have listened to you when you said he wasn't dead!!"

Sabo looked bewildered at you and Luffy. And in that moment a lot of pieces were beginning to fit together in his mind.

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