Chapter 9

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A/N~ Hey guys! Sorry this one's kinda short...and late... but life's been getting in the way a little bit and I don't have a lot of time to write. Its not really gonna improve much either in the next month because I have a summer class that starts on Monday. So sorry if any of you were hoping for really fast updates☹. In the meantime I also got some unexpected inspiration for a possible oneshot (maybe even a lemon?) for Sanji over Memorial Day so I'll also be hoping to bring that out soon.~


After Luffy had gone and Sabo had put on his costume he turned to face you. The two of you were silent for a while before he finally spoke.

"Why haven't you told me anything?"

The question took you off guard for a moment.

"Do you remember everything? About your time in the Goa kingdom as a child?"


"Then that's why. It's a little hard to start a conversation about something when you're the only one who remembers."

Sabo was now agitated that he couldn't remember everything about the childhood you shared. And an idea finally came to you but you knew now wasn't the right time.

So you walked up to Sabo grabbed his waistband and placed something in his pocket.

"This might be able to help, but promise that you won't look inside it until after all of this mess in Dressrosa is over okay?"

The poor blonde was blushing slightly and nodded in reply as his mind seemed to be somewhat at ease to this.

"Alright, now make sure Luffy doesn't get himself killed. I've got to head back to Baltigo so I'll see you there."

Sabo couldn't help but smile at the request.

"You don't need to tell me twice. He's my little brother after all."

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