Chapter 11

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A/N~YESSSS!!! Finally out of that funky writer's block! Alright so since school is starting again for me soon and I don't want to fall into another mental writer's block trap I'm gonna try and make updates for this story a monthly thing. In the meantime enjoy this short chapter while I start writing and editing the next one.~

The craziness at Dressrosa was finally over and the Revolutionaries were heading back to Baltigo. As Koala was once again reprimanding Sabo on his actions in revealing his presence and relationship with Luffy, he was once again getting lost within his own head. His hand was constantly in his pocket unconsciously fiddling with the box as he thought of you.


Koala screamed as she smacked him in the skull with the ferocity of an angry bear.

"We have a call from Dragon!!!"

"What?" Sabo looked at her dumbfounded. She then proceeded to shove a transponder-snail in his face.

"Are you there? Sabo? Koala? Hack?"

"We're here sir." Said Sabo.

"Good. I need to let you know that its unsafe to return to Baltigo and that you need to head to the secondary hideout."

Sabo stared wide-eyed at the transponder-snail as Dragon continued.

"Blackbeard is heading there now and everyone at Baltigo is currently being evacuated. (Y/n) is remaining behind in order to distract him and buy them time to escape."

Sabo hardly heard Koala's protests as he suddenly stood up and walked out of the room with an unreadable expression. She and Hack followed him out after ending the call to the small boats. There he started to untie one of the boats.

"Where the hell are you going?!" Koala continued to yell at him.

"To help (y/n)." he stated.

Koala fell silent. Then she sighed.

"Guess I can't stop you then. After all, it's been pretty obvious to everyone for a while now that you've fallen head over heels for her."

He blushed intensely but smiled at the fact that he didn't have to explain anything. Only a moment later he was on his way to Baltigo to help you.

~At Baltigo~

Everyone else on the base had fled in several ships and submarines about thirty minutes ago and you were sitting on the roof of the tallest lookout post. Already you were seeing his ships heading towards you. Easily recognizable by the triple skulled Jolly Roger.

Anger was boiling over within you. The good memories of Thatch, Whitebeard and especially Ace hurt with the knowledge of their deaths. And yet this god-be-damned, fool-hearty, arrogant thief and bastard thought he was going to try and bring further harm to Luffy and Sabo!!!!

Over your long dead and skeletal corpse!!!

But you weren't as blind to anger as to think that the powers of the Fear-Fear fruit would be enough to kill him. That's fine. Death would have been too instantaneous. Let's see how he handles the wrath of the one the World Government once referred to as, Morpheus.

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