My Boss's Lust

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This is my first story, so be gentle with the comments. Sorry if its suckish. Hope you enjoy. The pic on the side is Phoenix Foster.


“I would like t-to…propose some toast- no, no, a toast…. God, I’m so wasted right now!”

I look at my brother Jack, him damn near tipping over on his bar stool, chuckling. I just knew he was going to get drunk tonight. He uses the smallest reasons to drink. I start to stand up to get another round, but Bettie, Jack’s fiancé waves me off.

‘’It’s okay, Phoenix. I doubt he needs anymore,’’ she winks at me and rubs Jack’s shoulder, ‘’Right, baby?’’

Jack waves a hand, lazily, ‘’Aw, I’m fine. I cou-could d-drive right now!’’

I crack up while Bettie rolls her eyes and points her attention to me. ‘’So, you start tomorrow? Are you excited or what?!’’ she squeals, clapping her hands together. I giggle and nod. ‘’I’m crazy excited! The company said I’d have a huge responsibility to take care of. ‘The Assistant of the Prez, they said.’’

I feel a chill of nervousness course through me. I’m kind of excited, but mostly anxious. I was told my boss-to-be is a hardass and will work you to the bone, so I’ll have my work cut out for me. Jack plops his head against the table but then it pops back up. ‘’He better not b-be an…ass or we’ll be quick enemies! Remember that, P!”                                                                                                           I laugh out loud and reach across the table and caress his hands; Jackson always been so protective. Ever since the accident……well, he’s just extremely watchful when it comes to my wellbeing.

‘’Oh Jack. Jack, Jack, Jack.’’ I smile warmly at him.


‘’C’mon, baby. Time to go.’’ Bettie declares, standing up. Jack stands a little sober now (well, more sober than he was half an hour ago) and follows Bettie toward the door waving at Scott, the bartender, and a family friend of ours.

‘’Bye, Jack. Good luck, P! I heard about that modeling company and…its tough.’’ Scott says a towel in one hand, wet glass in another. I grab Jack and my own jacket.

‘’I know, Scottie, I know. Just something I gotta get the hang of things. Thanks. We’ll see ya!’’

‘’’Kay, see you.’’

As I head for the door of the old, but frankly still popular bar, I bump into a tall, caramel-colored, good looking, fit suited guy, standing next to a sexy Asian guy. He glares downward at me. I lower my eyes and make my way around the two men, but the Asian steps infront of me.

I stare up at him, confused. Maybe  I should’ve apologized, I think to myself.

I see bettie waving me outside. I look up at the man and smile kindly. ‘’Sorry,’’ I say quietly and try to move again. He blocks me again.

‘’Sorry?’’ he snorts, glancing over at the suited man, then back at me. ‘’Sorry?’’ I look over at the other guy then back at him.

The hell is he so mad for?

He leans closer to my face. ‘’Do you know who I am?!’’ he says loudly. I feel my head tilt to the left. ‘’Umm…’’

He stares at me, looking flabbergasted. He whips around to the suited guy, whom I just noticed was staring at me (I probably have something in my teeth).

‘’She doesn’t know who I am! The Joey! James, I’m having a heart attack!!’’ ‘’James’’ sees  that the ‘’Joey’’ guy is distracted so he waves me off. I smile graciously, nod, then leave.

I hop into the car and strap in. its time to head home and get little to no sleep because of my butterfly-assualted belly. I hope he’s nice, I think to myself, though my gut’s telling me he may well not be…

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