Dark Horse

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Scarlett Johansson plays Jackson's fiance.

While we ride the elevator down one floor, I stare at my new clipboard, feeling his occasional glances, but ignoring them. I mean, its clear he doesnt like me, I knew that first glance.

Andrew...or Mr. Rivers was much taller than me, with soft looking brown hair that barely drapes at his shoulders, strong and broad. His body under the navy blue suit he wore was extremely built. His eyes were clear blue, but deep and sinister, somehow dark and mischevous. He was...sexy. And I'm sure many women(including Michelle) have told him that, because he carried himself like so. He was way too proud.

Well, I don't really need to be around him 24/7, so I'll just make sure not to make any trouble for myself.

As we head to the back of all of the cubicles and offices, he messes with his tie frustratedly and grunts lowly. ''This is your desk.'' he says, huskily.

There's a desk behind a cubicle wall directly next to what I'm assuming is his office. He opens the glass door that is shaded a dark green color. The windows are black and brown polka dots. Weird, huh? The top floor wasnt like this... Ilook around; this whole floor was a futuristic crayon box. The workers were just as colorful.

The phone rings. I perk up and rush to the phone. I put on my best receptionist voice. 

''Hello, Mr. Rivers offi-''

''Come to my office, Miss Foster,'' a deep voice demands. That voice... I stop and turn toward Mr. Rivers's door. ''Mr. Rivers?''

I hear an exhausted sigh. ''I don't have all day, Miss Foster.''

I unintentionally zap up and slam the phone down and peek my head in the door. ''S...sir?''

I come in completely and close the door. He was reclining back in his chair texting. His desk was neat...and colorful. His whole office was neat. I should've expected that, but really, it reminded me of a 14 or 15 year old girl's dream office.

He doesn't even glance at me. ''Lock the door.'' My eyes almost fall out my head. The hell does he mean?!

 I stutter, ''L-lo-lock the door? B-but why?'' He sighs again, like my damn question was that hard to answer, puts his cell down onto the desk and stands up slowly. He glares at me.

''Lock. The. Door. Now.''

I quickly follow directions, now scared for my life. He goes around to the front of his desk and leans on the edge, sitting on the corner. He takes his middle fingers and moves them in a ''come here'' motion. I scurry over quickly. He looks down at my clothes, then suddenly he grabs the bottom of my skirt and pulls at it, ripping the small slit high up my thigh. I gasp and try to cover it.

''What the hell!? Why did-''

''You're boring.''

I feel my mouth hang ajar. He nods in mock sympathy. ''Yeah, sorry, but it's true. You're so closed up, so boring, so blah, so.....ugly. This,'' he points to my newly ripped skirt, ''is an, I dunno, improvement. Oh! And while I'm on the subject, this shirt. It looks like shit, Miss Foster.'' He grabs the fabric on my arms and gives them a quick yank. They tear. Off. I'm so, sooo, SOOOOO pissed. My outfit is ruined, completely! Not to mention I bought a bunch of new clothes. Just. Like. This. I want to take a brick to his head, but I dont want to get fired on the 1st day.

I feel my anger start to disturb my nerves, causing my hands to shake, but I take a deep breath and make fists to contain myself. ''Thank you, sir.''

He smiles back to me. ''You're welcome, Miss Foster.'' he purs back.

I grit my teeth, turn to leave, and slam the door behind me.


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