Hogwarts Express

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I pushed my heavy trolley through the wall, dreading the other side and what people would be like. The red steam engine sparkled in the light that leaked from the windows on the ceiling of the station. England's capital was so much more beautiful than I had ever imagined, much more beautiful than the dark, evil home I was forced to live in. I looked down from the ceiling above me and noticed a few turned heads so I started to make my way to the train.

I reached a compartment with a black-haired boy sat looking out the window.He didn't notice me knocking so I opened the door -with some accidental force- and smiled.

"I'm sorry but is this compartment free? Do you mind, everywhere else is kinda full and others...have leftover sweets hidden under the seats." I explained to the boy. I thought for minute he was going to shake his head a shoo me off to sit in one where i'd arrive with a chewed bertie-bott's grass flavoured bean stuck to the back of my robes. Instead he smiled and gestured for me to sit down. My long ginger-ish her fell over my eyes as i looked at my shiny, black shoes. I've always wondered how i got this colour hair and freckles as my mother has black, curly hair that is never tidy. Atleast i know where the curls come from, the rest must be my father, the man i've heard so little about yet long to meet him nomatter how much disgust my mother has towards him, whoever he is. A short while later a boy with bright red hair, much more ginger than mine, popped up at the cabin door,

"Everywhere else is full," he moaned, "Mind if i sit."

I just smiled and let the other boy do the speaking.

"No, i don't mind at all," the black-haired boy replied. This boy had round glasses, taped in the middle where he had unmistakenably broken them. He also had a blue checked top and brown trousers that must've been 5 times bigger than himself. The ginger boy sat down with a warm smile to lighten the mood.

The trolley witch arrived with all the sweets imaginable, besides some special ones you could get from zonko's. The one withthe oversized clothes on pull a bag full of galleons but the other had a slighly crushed tuna sandwich. I did have money, not a bad amount, but i wasn't hungryat all; i was way too nervous about the next 7 years i'd be spending at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

"We'll have the lot." the boy siad, giving his money to the maid in return for all of the sweets on the trolley.

"Wow mate!" siad the ginger picking up a chocolate frog from the big pile, "I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasly."

"I'm Harry, Harry potter," the other replied.

My mouth flung open along with Ron's, unsure of what we had just heard. Harry potter? THE harry potter? How could i ever be friends with him? Wow..but i fmy mother found out i was friends with him she'd kill me.

"Woah! Do you have the-" Ron pionted at his new friends forehead.

"Yeah" Harry replied, moving his fringe out the way so we could see it.

I looked up to see the two boys looking at me, waiting for my name.

"Oh, I'm Zoe Lesterange," i said as enthusiastically as i could. I waited for an answer for what seemed like forever but in reality was just a couple of seconds. Harry grinned but Ron looked like he was in deep thought.

"I know i've heard that anme somewhere!" he blurted out.

"Ah yes, it's my mother's name, she's very well-known..." I replied, "Just not for the best reasons."

"Wait! Your mam is Bellatrix Lesterange?!" Ron said shockedbut not judgy like i thought, kind of wowed to be fully honest.

"Yes..unfortunatly," i replied, sinking into the seat.

"Who's she?" Harry asked.

"A death eater, one of Voldemorts most loyal followers," I replied, "oh and I'm sorry about your parents, I really am."

"Don't worry yourself, it wasn't your fault

A girl with bushy, brown hair soon came along and asked where a boy's toad was, of course we had no idea. She was called 'Hermione Granger', she fixed Harry's glasses for him, which we all found amazing but i could stupify him in a heartbeat so that was a piece of cake for me.That's what happens when you have a death eater parent. It can't be that bad at times.

Soon enough, Hogwarts was in sight and the adventure was just begininng.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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