My Little Secret Ch.1

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Hey guys! I would like to introduce you all to my new book "My Little Secret".And hopefully some of your are fans of August Alsina because I know that I am. My favorite songs by him so far is "Kissin' on my tattoos"," No Love","Testify","Ghetto","You Deserve",and 'I Luv This Sh*t".This book is definitely going to have some drama,romance,a little bit of cat fights and many other stuff.So,here's the first chapter :) I hope that you guys end up liking it.

{Def Jam Records}

"So,are you down to sign a record deal with me or not?" Maria's soon to be manager Scooter asked as Maria stared at the blank piece of paper that's sitting in front of her.The piece of paper that could change her life forever.

Maria's best friend Tori looked at her and elbowed her in her arm as she cleared her throat.Maria blinked a few times and looked at Scooter as she sighed and placed her hands on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry,what was your question again?" Maria asked

"Are you willing to sign a record label with me?" Scooter asked as Maria nods.

"I'm ready" Maria said."I've been ready ever since I was thirteen"

"How old are you again?" Scooter asked

"I'm twenty one" Maria said."For years,it's been my dream to become a new voice to the music industry"

"And this is your chance to make that happen" Scooter said as he slides the paper closer to her."All you gotta do is to sign that sheet of paper"

Scooter rolled his black pen towards Maria's direction as Maria stops the pen from rolling and picked it up getting ready to sign the contract.

"Wait!" Tori said."Before you sign that paper.Are you sure that you wanna do this? There's no going back to having a normal life,Maria"

"Your friend is right" Scooter said rubbing his chin."Do you think you have what it takes to be part of this music industry?"

"I don't think,I know that I have what it takes to be in the music industry" Maria said as a smile grew on Scooter's face.

"Alright,I like the sound of that,Maria" Scooter said as he nods."That's the kind of positive that I wanna hear.It's music to my ears"

"And when I start making number one albums,it'll be better music to your ears" Maria said as she signs the paper and slides it to Scooter.

"I really do hope so,Maria" Scooter said as he grabbed the paper."Because now all eyes are on you and all of your fans is counting on you"

"Don't worry,I won't let anybody down" Maria said as Scooter gets up from his seat and smiled at her.

"I hope not,Maria" Scooter said as he started to leave the office."Or else you'll go down the toilet like the rest of our artist did"

"Like Justin Bieber?" Tori asked as Scooter and Maria gives her a dirty look."What?"

"Justin have been through some issues lately.But at least he's climbing back into the picture again in the music industry" Scooter said as he looked at Maria."And that's what you need to do if that ever happens to you,Maria" He said as he walks out of the office."Oh yea,and one more thing" Scooter said popping his head into the doorway."I'm going to need you to meet me in three hours.Somebody wants to meet you" He said as he leaves without waiting on Maria's response.

Maria sighs."I can't believe you just said that" Maria said as she gets up out of her seat and grabs her purse off of the table.

"What? I was just being real" Tori said following Maria out of the office.

"But that was a bit disrespectful towards Scooter though" Maria said.

"How? What is he to Justin?" Tori asked.

"Scooter and Justin have been working together for like five or six years" Maria said as she stops in front of an elevator and pushes a button for the doors to open.

"So,Scooter is close with Justin?" Tori asked.

"Yes! Scooter was Justin's manager" Maria said shaking her head."For a person who haves a thing for the music industry,you lack on memory when it comes to celebrities"

"It's not my fault that Justin went downhill.He's the one who decided to make those stupid decisions.Nobody held a gun to his head and forced him to do it" Tori said as Maria sighs in frustration.

"You're still not supposed to say something like that! Especially if it's someone they know and close to" Maria said as the elevator doors opened.Maria and Tori walked inside the elevator as the doors closes

"So,what are you going to do now?" Tori asked.

"Well,I found out that August Alsina is coming to our town in a couple of days.So,I'm planning on going to his concert" Maria said pushing the lobby button as the elevator starts to go down.

"You're going by yourself?" Tori asked in a sad tone as Maria frowns and shook her head.

"Girl,you know that I wouldn't go to his concert without you" Maria said."I know that you got a thing for that man"

"Yea,but not more than you" Tori said."You've been a fan of August since day one"

Maria sighs."I remember like it was just yesterday when I saw him on the BET Awards.He is so freaking fine"

"I heard that he haves a girlfriend.But that might have been an old rumor,I think" Tori said.

"You think?" Maria said as the elevator stops and the doors open."What do you mean by that?" Maria asked as she exists the elevator with Tori.

Tori shrugs her shoulders."I don't know. I mean he's been in a on and off relationship with this girl named Diamond Black"

Maria paused for a moment before she responded."Oh"

Tori stopped walking with Maria as she crosses her arms."Oh? What's oh?" Tori asked as Maria turned around to face Tori.

"Nothing" Maria said."Just oh" she said as Tori walked next to Maria and smirked."What?" Maria asked

"Are you jealous?" Tori asked

Maria laughed."Me? Jealous of Diamond Black? Ha! I don't think so.If I wanted August,he'll already be wrapped around my finger"

"You wouldn't really try to steal him from Diamond" Tori said as she paused for a second."Right?" Tori asked.

"Of course I wouldn't!" Maria said."Stealing another female's man,that's not my cup of tea"

"Okay, that's good to hear" Tori said as she looks around for the exit.

"Did you think that I would do something like that?" Maria asked

"No! I was just being curious,that's all" Tori said as Maria checks her phone.

"Okay,well we have two hours and thirty minutes left to chill" Maria said."Where do you wanna go?"

"I'm in the mood for some Chinese and Starbucks" Tori said as Maria smiled

"Girl,you just read my mind! Let's go to get some Starbucks first,and then we'll go get some Panda Express" Maria said as she leaves with Tori.

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