My Little Secret Ch.3

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Maria's POV

Omg,I'm so nervous to go on stage with Ellen! I never thought that I would make it this far until now,and I'm like extremely nervous!.What if I say something stupid? What if I do or say something super embarrassing? Or even worse.What if I mess up while performing?! It'll be the WORST first day of being the new upcoming artist in the music industry!. I'm never this nervous about doing something like this especially doing an interview with Ellen and performing for her.Maybe it was better off keeping a girl band instead going solo.But then again,all of those girls I had wasn't being serious as much as I was.It's no big deal...I can pretend that I'm just at another talent show while I'm performing and I'll pretend that I'm talking to my older sister or a real close friend while I'm talking to Ellen.Yea,this should be a piece of cake if I keep my stuff together...hopefully

{Ellen's show/backstage}

"Tori,I've never been this nervous before! I'm literally freaking out over here!" Maria said nervously playing with her necklace.

"Calm down,and everything is going to be fine" Tori said staring at a big bowl filled with shrimp.

"How? I'm hella nervous! I can't stop shaking" Maria said wrapping her arms around herself.

"Maybe you should try some shrimp to calm your nerves" Tori said as Maria crossed her arms and pushed her lip out."Oh yea,you don't like shrimp"

"I think it's the most nastiest thing on earth! How do y'all even eat those things?!" Maria asked with a disgusted look on her face.

"Easy! We pick it up,put it in our mouths,and eat it" Tori said laughing.

Maria shook her head."That's just disgusting.I would never in my whole entire life eat shrimp"

"You are one weird person" Tori said as she checks the time on her phone and sighs."You got ten more minutes til the show starts"

"Yea,like that's going to help me calm down my nerves" Maria said shaking her head as she spots Ellen walking towards her with a big smile on her face.

"Hiiiii,I'm Ellen" she said shaking Maria's hand."I'm so honored to have you on my show today"

"Trust me,I know who you are" Maria said smiling."I've been a fan ever since I was fourteen"

"Really? That's amazing! I hope that you'll be able to enjoy your time with me as much as I will with you" Ellen said as she looked at Tori and friendly smiled at her."And you must be her--"

"Best friend" Tori said shaking Ellen's hand smiling."I'm also a huge fan of yours.And I've been helping Maria with her YouTube channel"

"Oh yea,I did see you on one of her videos.You also did a song with her" Ellen said looking back at Maria."Is she coming on stage with us?"

"Is it okay for her to come on stage with us?" Maria asked.

Ellen nodded."Of course! I'm pretty sure that the fans would love to see her,too"

"Awesome! How much time do we have left?" Maria asked as Tori checked the time.

"Actually we don't have any time left" Tori said placing her phone inside her purse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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