My Little Secret Ch.2

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Diamond sighs and runs her fingers through her eighteen inch jet black hair while sitting in a office chair on the phone with August who's patiently waiting for his ride to come pick him up from the airport.

"What are you sighing for,Diamond?" August asked

"Because I still didn't get any answer from you,August" Diamond said with attitude in her tone.

"Answer to what? You didn't asked my anything yet,Diamond" August said as he shook his head and looked at the time.

"I saaaiiidd are you going to be coming home anytime soon?" Diamond asked as she rolled her eyes.

"No,I won't be coming home anytime soon,Diamond" August said rubbing his cheek.

"Why not?" Diamond asked.

"Because they've booked more shows and interviews"

"And you can't cancel any of them?" Diamond asked as August sighs and rubs his temples.

"It haves to be important for me to cancel a show or an interview,Diamond"

"Oh,so I'm not important,August?" Diamond asked feeling offended

"Of course you're important to me.But you have to realize that my management wouldn't think that's important to them" August said as he starts to feel an argument coming up.

"I can't freaking believe this,August" Diamond said shaking her head.

"Aye,don't put this crap on me.It's not my fault that I have to do this.If you wanna blame someone,blame yourself" August said as Diamond looked at her phone offended by what August said to her.

Diamond calmly sighed and smiled a little as she cleared her throat."And why should I blame myself for this?"

"Because you're the one who got yourself kicked off the tour for fighting with my vocalist" August said as Diamond scoffs.

"I had to defend what was mine.She shouldn't have flirted with you"

"She wasn't flirting,she was complimenting me" August said.

"Flirting,complimenting, they're both the same to me" Diamond said as a short redhead women walked up to her desk and sat in a chair across from her."I gotta go,I got a customer"

"Okay,I'll talk to you later" August said as he checked the time again.

"I hope so because you barely call" Diamond said rolling her sleeves up as she grabs the redhead women's hand and started to work on her nails."Call me when you're actually free"

"Will do,bye"August said hanging up his phone and looked at a female with multi-colored hair and shook his head.

"What's wrong?" She asked

"My girl is tripping again" August said as the multi-colored hair women shook her head."I need a break from her.She's stressing me out,Sasha"

"Then take a break from her,let her know what's real" Sasha said as she frustratingly sighs."You can't keep stressing out because of her"

My Little Secret {August Alsina}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz