Its A Date.

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"Aye sweet thang let me holla at you right quick." I heard some voice behind me say. Ugh men are such pigs. I mean I know I'm a beautiful chocolate shapely woman but geesh you would think not all mean think the same.

I turned around and saw the culprit of nagging come on. I checked him out. He wasn't ugly he had a chiseled jaw shirtless with a six pack with some Nike  shorts. He licked his lips as he noticed me sizing him up.

"You like what you see ma." He smirked a dashing smile and wiped his hand down his chest.

"Nah." I say grabbing my gym bag and walking away.

Ugh men are such cocky fools. I walked to the front counter to get a sucker and check out.

"H..Hiya Syd." Nate said loudly and waved at me. I giggled.

"Hi Nathaniel." I said to him. I've been coming to this family owned gym since I moved here Cali. Nathaniel's Algerian family owns this gym and ever since the first time I came to this gym he's developed a huge crush on me. It's sorta cute but he's too scrawny for me. Back in my hometown all there ever was skinny littles boys trying to get at me. I'm not conceded but I just need a man to sweep my off my feet!

Nathaniel comes from around the counter to give me his daily awkward hug. He pushes his glasses back on his nose and swipes the off his hands into his pants. I can't help but share a slight giggle at this dude.

He comes over and leans into the hug and some how his shoulder jams into throat. I coughed a little.

"Oh gosh sorry." He says stepping back managing to step on my toe. I grit my teeth and shake my head. Some how we draw a crowd. He looks at me and his face turns red.

"I'm sorry Syd." He says

"No it's fine Nathaniel." I say. He giggles and leans his elbow on the counter.

"Ughh so my cousin is coming in town." He says after the few seconds of awkward silence.

"Oh cool that's fun." I say.

"Yeah my mama is making a big deal out of it. He some hot shot boxer back in Algeria so she's throwing a big dinner for him." He says rolling his eyes. I smile at him.

"I take it you're not a big fan huh?" I say

"No I'm not. He's such a dick." He says getting off the counter.

"I don't even wanna go to the stupid freaking dinner but my ma is making EVERYONE go." He continues.

"Aww." I says

His back straightens and his eyes lighten up. "You should come with me?"

My eyes bulge in surprise. "Boy what?!!"

He awkwardly laughs as people stare at us, he pushes back his glasses once again, "Yeah Syd come with me. I can't bear to go on my own. Besides you know my mama and pops love you."

I glare at him quickly thinking about the times his mother and father treated me as if I was a kid of their own.

"Nate I don't know." I say. He looks at me with his puppy dog eyes and chubby cheek face.

"Ughh fine! You know I can't say no when you make that adorable face!" I yell at him.

"Great! It's a date." He smiles brightly. I glare at him.

"Well only if want it to be." He shyly says.

"Mhm." I say walking away.

"I'll text you the details!" He says as I walk out the door. I could see him do a victory dance. Smh this boy.

I walked to my car and think about what Nathaniel says. He's some hot shot boxer... Oh he sounds delightful. I smirk as I got into the car. I drove home thinking about what time I had to get up for my photoshoot this weekend.

Yes I am a model typical black Cali gal thing but it's fun I love showing off my chocolate skin and getting praised for it. It was so funny last week I did a shoot with my bestie/roommate  Chanel and she was chanting how sexy I looked in my Shea butter and coconut oil in my pictures. I love her man.

As I walked into our apartment I heard grunts and moans coming from Chanel's room. Ughh her and her boyfriend Devin are sooo disgusting.

I walked down the hallway and banged on their door.


"Go away!" Devin responded. I heard shuffling around on the other side of the door. A few seconds later Chanel comes to the door hair all frizzy with one of Devin's huge tshirts on. She comes out with a big smile on her face. Well someone's man throws it down in the bed.

"Hey girl." She says to me breathing heavy out of breath. I busted out laughing.

"Devin put it down today huh?" I asked. She looks at me and starts laughing.

"Yep." She says. They are so in love and I'm over here lonely as ever.

"Huh must be nice." I say. I walk towards my room and she follows behind.

"Oh girl be quiet your man is waiting for you." She says smiling at me.

"Tuh. Where?" I say sitting in my bed. She joins me.

"Oh so guess what." I say

"What?" She asks

"Girl Nathaniel invited me to his family's place for dinner." I say

"Ooh girl go ahead and get you some nerd loving." She says smirking at me.

"Girl please you know his lil scrawny self can't handle all this." I said smacking my butt.

"Girl handle what??" She says laughing at me. I glare at her.

"You know my butt is big." I say. My phone dings and Chanel grabs it.

"Ooohh look who it isssss." She says twisting the phone in the air.

I look at her.

"Well since you're not going to guess its Nathaniel and he says Is tomorrow night @7 good?." She says in a seducing voice.

I roll my eyes at her.

"I'm just going to say Okay Daddy."  She says typing.

"Do not play with his emotions." I say

"Ugh! You are not fun!" She jumps up and storms out of my room. She pops her head back in the room.

"Love you." She blows kisses and walks away. I shake my head. This girl is something else. I jump in the shower and rub my black girl magic on my skin which includes my Shea Butter and coconut oil on my body afterwards. I look at my cocoa butter stick. Then change my mind about putting that on. That's only for special occasions. Then I jump into my getting my beautiful rest for the night.

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