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"GET UPPP!!!WE HAVE TO GO SHOPPING FOR YOUR DATEEE!!" I'm woken by a loud voice and someone yanking me out of my bed. We landed on the ground with a THUMP sound.

I rub my eyes and and see Chanel smiling hard and already dressed for the day. I glared at her.

I pushed her off of me, "Girl it's too early in the morning for you to be this hyper."

I get up and see Devin standing in the door way shaking his head. I mean mugged him and flicked him off.

"Aye I will not tolerate disrespect in my home." He says

"Boy this is not your home! You ain't nobody daddy lower your voice." I say storming off to my bathroom. Before I closed the door I heard Chanel say he was her daddy. Ugh they are so nasty.

I looked in my mirror and noticed I had a natural shining glow. Okay today was going to be a good day. I brushed my teeth and did my hair. I did just a simple two cornrows and called it a day.

I walked out the bathroom and got dressed. Chanel came back into my room and sat on my bed.

"So what do you have planned today?" I sarcastically asked her.

"Umm I need more enthusiasm ma'am. Anywho I have the whole day planned. Hair, nails, and get the perfect dress." She says

"Ughhh why a dressss." I say picking up my phone and sitting down besides her.

"Uhhh cause you need to show off those glorious curves and remind Nate why he's in love with you." She says

"Girl, he is NOT in love with me." I say texting Nathaniel good morning back to his good morning beautiful text.

"Oohhh girl why you blushing." She says snatching my phone away. My friend is honestly too much.

"Ooh Nate texted ya. He's making sure you go with him tonight!" Chanel says making the two of us laugh.

"Yeah yeah let's go already." I say grabbing her arm and walking out the house.

By now it was 2 o'clock and Chanel and I already got our feet,nails,and hair done. We decided to have lunch before we got the perfect dress that makes my melanin pop according to Chanel. She made such a big deal because some hot light bright dude offered to pay for my feet and nails she pressured me into going to the movies with him next week. I was very pissed she was acting like she was an embarrassing mom. Anyways I made her take me to my favorite diner to make up for it.

"Ughh I wanted to get a quesadilla." Chanel pouts as we are seated at our table. Honestly I'm surprised this girl isn't dating a Hispanic all the Mexican food she eats.

"Chanel you can get your quesadilla tomorrow." I said chuckling at her.

"I want it now." She pouts folding her arms.

"Oh hush this is my day." I say

She busts out laughing, "Fine. But I'm picking out your dress."

"Yeah yeah." I say.

Chanel dragged me all over just to find this yellow dress I must it did make curves pop out.

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