Back in Paris

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Felix had never been fond of Paris. He was a bit of an introvert, and thus hated the big crowds that living in a city brought. Felix also hated the special attention he got as one of the two sons of France's most popular fashion designer.

Yes Felix preferred the simple life that living on the private campus of his college gave him. No one pays him much attention, besides his certified stalker named Bridgette, and he liked it that way. But he was lonely. It had been five years since he moved out of his father's mansion in Paris. Five years since he last saw his younger twin brother Adrien.

He never intended to return to Paris. It just sorta happened. Last year his mother disappeared, which prompted his father to ask (or rather demand) his return.

"It's for your own good," his father had told him over the phone, "just until we find your mother, or at least what was left of her that is."

Felix never believed that his mother was kidnapped or murdered. The most likely conclusion that he came too was that she was tired of the city life and her control freak of a husband. For all they know she was probable living in Tibet or some foreign country living it up as a farmer.

Felix's train of thought was cut off as the limo slowed to a halt in front of the mansion. The "gorilla" (which is what Adrien calls him) got out of the drivers seat and walked around the car to open Felix's door for him. The young blonde stepped out and looked up as his brother came running out of the mansion.

"Fé your back!!!" Adrien pulled his older twin into a tight hug, smiling as Felix ruffled his hair. "Man you won't believe how lonely I've been with out you and mother here."

"I'm sure you have been." Felix said, a social wall as usual. The Adrien helped the gorilla carry his brother's luggage up into Felix's old room, which was more of a library. Felix was the book worm of the two, which was fine since Adrien had enough sporty interests for the two of them combined. The model's newest physical hobby was fencing which he picked up shortly after he lost interest in karate.

Felix dusted off the remote of his tv and turned on the news station.

"So super villains really have been plaguing Paris. That's interesting, I wonder where they get their power from." Felix turned around to face his brother, but then realized that Adrien was gone.

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