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With in five minutes, Chat was back at the base of the tower. This time it wasn't as barren as he saw Ladybug fighting Miss Fortune. They were locked in hand-to-hand combat, each one exchanging a series of punches and kicks with the other. Chat stood there admiring his lady's form and precision as she fought. He would of watched her forever if she didn't notice him and yelled at him to get his head in the game. Shrugging Chat leapt into battle, taking Ladybug's place as the distraction so that she could summon her Lucky Charm.

Pink, red and white sparkling ladybugs filled the air and compressed together to form a hair comb.

"What do I do with this?" Ladybug wondered out loud, analyzing the surrounding area hoping to pick up any clues about how to use the strange object. Her eyes focused on Miss Fortune's hair.

"Her hair bands! That's where the akuma is!" Ladybug called over to Chat, and he nodded in agreement. "Here kitty why don't you give her a make over?"

And with that she tossed the comb into the air. Chat jumped up and grabbed it. With a well executed flip, he landed behind Miss Fortune and quickly ran the comb through her ebony hair. The hair bands were pulled out of her hair as the comb brushed past them. Chat then threw the hair bands to Ladybug who promptly ripped them. The akuma came flapping out, trying to escape the heroes.

"Time to deevilize!" Ladybug threw her yo-yo and caught the black and purple butterfly. Pulling the yo-yo back she promptly released it, letting the white little bug fly into the sky.

Bridgette collapsed as she reverted back to her normal self. "Where am I? OMGOMGOMG LADYBUG!?!?!?!"

Bridgette jumped up and hugged the heroine, her squealing grew louder as Ladybug hugged her back. Chat smiled at the two girl but decided that he needed to inform his twin that his girlfriend was alright.


Chat found Felix at the Dupain-Cheng bakery. He was sipping some strong black tea trying to cool his nerves from the stress and worry that Bridgette's akumatization brought. The black clad hero snuck around back and detransformed. He then walked through the front door as Adrien. Felix immediately got up and hugged his twin.

"Is she alright?" He whispered calmly into Adrien's ear, but the green eyed boy could hear the worry and concern in his brother's voice.

Adrien smiled and nodded, "we got her back. She's fine and is with Ladybug right now."

Felix let out a sigh of relief and let go of his twin. He then turned to the couple that was standing behind the counter. "Thank you for your hospitality." Felix said calmly.

Adrien waved at the couple shyly, "Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Dupain-Cheng! How are you today?" He then preceded to have an all out pun war with Mr Dupain which caused a lot of eye rolls from Fé and Mrs Cheng.

Luckily for them Marinette and Bridgette arrived at the bakery. Bridgette saw Felix and tried to slowly back out of the bakery, but he was faster. Before she could even open the door he was on her, pulling her into a hug.

"I was so worried! Don't ever do that again." Felix tried to sound stern but he couldn't with tears streaming down his cheeks. This surprised everyone. Felix then realized what he was doing and quickly pulled away from Bridgette, his face started to turn a shade of pink.

Marinette nudged her cousin gently, but the ebony haired girl just stood there, red as a tomato with her jaw on the ground.

"I think you broke her Fé." Adrien chuckled at the sight. He had never seen this side of his before, but he found it utterly adorable.


Mr and Mrs Dupain-Cheng had invited the blonde boys to stay for dinner that evening since it was already so late in the afternoon. Felix was a bit hesitant but Adrien excitedly agreed, reassuring his brother that their food was simply the best. And he was right, everything they served was delicious. The conversations at the table however where very awkward, and included a lot of stuttering and blushing from the cousins.

After the meal the boys helped clean up, thanked the family once again for the meal, and left. Felix wanted to walk and clear his head so they didn't call for the limo to pick them up. Adrien didn't mind at all, he simply was having fun being in his brother's company.

"Man Paris sure is lovely tonight, don't ya think Fé?" Adrien asked curiously.

"Yes it is quite beautiful..." Felix was lost in thought once again. A plan started to form in Adrien's head and a Cheshire grin stated to spread across his face. Felix payed no mind to his brother's sudden change in expression and just kept his eyes on the road ahead of them.

"You know the city is way more beautiful to look at from above."

"Your point?"

"I'm just saying..."

"No you won't... would you?"

Adrien nodded, "oh yes I would! Plagg, CLAWS OUT!"

Felix tried to shield his eyes from the bright green light that engulfed his brother. He then felt himself being lifted off of the ground. Chat Noir lifted the blonde into a princess carry and in one jump, he carried his twin easily onto the roof top.

"ADRIEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING PUT ME DOWN!!!" Felix held on for dear life as the hero sprinted across the roof tops.

"Don't worry about it! Just quite squirming or I might drop ya."

"WHERE ARE YOU EVEN TAKING MEEEE!!!!" Felix screamed as Chat did a flip off of a roof and landed on one of the towers of Norte Dame. He gently put his brother down and walked over to the ledge of the tower and sat down, swinging his legs over the ledge and humming to himself. Felix carefully walked over and sat down next to the feline hero, he scolded him for carrying him off like that with out permission. Chat Noir just laughed, which prompted an eye roll from the older twin.

"See what did I tell ya? Isn't the view beautiful from up here?" Felix followed Chat's gaze over the city, it really was a sight to behold.

"The city of light.... I'm surprisingly happy to be back here after all these years..." Felix said, a smiled crept on his face. He turned to look at the cat boy sitting next to him and once again found himself lost in the boy's deep emerald eyes.

"I'm glad your back too... our family is almost complete again..."


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