Everday Things

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I did it fast and quick into the bag next place into the bag next place .. if I took to long the owner might return or I might run into one of the cities gangs.

Women Beaters,AntiMollas, and the Dolla Gang. There are plenty more but  they are so weak I don't need to worry. I walk down my old friends neighborhood and see empty ness her once festive street was now a dead one I remember there would be dancing and lots of music. They always had a reason to celebrate.
Now my friend has joined one of the gangs to survive with her seven siblings I can't blame her of course.

"Yeah! FUCK Atlanta! Whooo!" So many gunshots we're firing off I didn't know where to run..  I quickly his behind a car next to me.
In a world where everyone is forced to grow up you'd think they would of already got that by now. I wait for them to past and I keep walking after I know they are long gone.

I had been walking  for a long time now I now had a basket full of supplies and food. I was ready to to head back and that was probably the best choice. Since the sun was starting to set.

" IS THAT MY WIFEY?!" oh my f God...
I stopped dead in my tracks if I run they may shoot if I I turn around they may be closer to me then I may think. I looked over my shoulder slowly and see Keetavius smiling with that one crooked tooth now don't get me wrong he's a good looking guy the leader of the Dolla Gang and the most feared man in Atlanta, but I have more important things to do than be with a man. 

" Keetavius..." 'Girl why the attitude daddy just wanna say hey to his wifey!' "You sound so ignorant right now." Me and Keetavius go  to highschool together or went due to our previous circumstances...
"Damn that hurts my feelings Sidnie. You know I don't understand why you won't just be mine and we can live in my house together and just be what everyone desires..happy."  The sun was starting to set and it was getting dark I needed to get back now I had a long way to walk. "I need to go bye Keetavius."
"You lucky it's getting dark or id make you talk longer.. haha...you want a ride?" 'No..no im good but thanks.' my Brain could barely keep up with how fast I turned down his offer.

"Ok.... Fine but if you ever need a ride I'd be happy to give one and I'm not talking about in my car...." Rolling my eyes I turned back around and started walking away.

"Kevan." I wispered. " Yes?" My heart slowed down a couple beats.. "You want some Spaghetti?" 'Oooh yea,you know I love Spaghetti so much.' " HaHa yea I know."

I moved the iPad out the way I don't know why I keep it around even know we can't use it we can't use any electronics anymore..maybe for reassurance that one day the world will turn back to normal if not in my time I hope Kevan can live the way I got to. We've been in the Apocalypse for two years now this is all he's ever known I hope the world will go back to normal it all will seem like a dream.

We went to bed with our stomachs full that's how I try to make it every night that helps me know I'm doing something right.

-----Next Day

We had been competitively​ playing gold fish for a couple hours now and he's best news every time I feel like he's cheating haha.." Sisi."  " yea?" "There's people in our driveway..." I looked out the shades to see members of the Women Beaters on my porch now about to nock on my door. And my old friend Solana On the the Co-leader Arm laughing and smiling...well at least she's happy. I open the door just enough that my head fits through " Hey Solana." I smile her nane.. then I see the guy she's next to and I nod the other men I barely acknowledge. " How can I help you?" We came to talk."

"Hmm... Ok but give your weapons for now." They started laughing but then they saw my straight face and handed me their guns and daggers.
They came in and some sat like the ones in charge and the rest stood so did I,worst thing to do is to sit down with company in your house.  "We want to ask you to do something." I looked at Solana for assurance she nodded. "What." We need you to become a member of our gang." I looked and them now it was my turn to laugh. I looked around my large house then down at my feet my hands fiddled with each other from anxiety. " Sorry I can't." If I told them I needed to be here for my brother they could use him against me. " We need you you've survived for two years and you seem to be the only person we know that hasn't lost any weight were all starving and hungry Sidnie." I looked at him in the face his words seemed sencer but his eyes seemed to be lying.

" It's not hard to find food you just need to know where to look,and candy isn't food it's sugar sure it's a good dessert but that won't feed you look for real foods like canned goods."

I looked at Solana's face for some reason she seemed scared. "What's wrong Mija?" During school that was my nickname for her after her mom died she had no one to call her that do I did.   " I'm fine Sid Wid haha." We shared laughs at our past nicknames then the room went silent.
He got up from his seat and moved towards me putting his hand around my throat it happened so quickly I couldn't react.  He wasn't squeezing though he was just warning me. "You are so pretty I really wouldn't want to kill a sister.." I looked at him in his eyes my face only showing confusion.
" Solana told me everything." I looked at Solana with a glare how could she she knows how protective I am of him. " So now your secrets out either you join us and you brother comes too or you stay and you brother comes he'll make a nice soldier. I clenched my fist and jaw. He was alot taller then me though we all knew he was close to death he was sixteen maybe a month left he was desperate.
" Fine I'll go. Under one condition." I looked back at him with a sadistic smile. You let me visit my boyfriend Keetavius on the way there."
He looked at his men and nodded
"Sure fine 
!Vamos hombre vamos a conseguir los camiones juntos rally hasta la comida de la casa¡"

We'd been driving for a while i was starting to get tired of seeing Solana and him kiss it and stuff it was making me sick my brother was sitting in my lap with my death grip around his waist.

"We're here " I looked at the mansion in front of me Keetavius was right he was a rich ass bitch. " Go kiss your boyfriend goodbye you won't be seeing him again."
I rolled my eyes and held my brothers hands as I walked through the gate and tried not to make eye contact with the gaurds.
"Ahh Sidnie Boss has been waiting for this day to come." I looked at the tall and buff dude and squinted my eyes. "Just tell him I'm here."

He came down the steps in a fast Manor I low-key hoped he would trip. " Keetavius I need your help. The people from the Women Beaters and forcing me to join their gang."
I looked at his face only to see him smiling. "Sorry but I made a deal with the Women Beaters to not help you you have to go with them." And with that he closed the door.  I picked up my brother putting him on my waist and I walked down the sidewalk with my head held high...

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