Chapter Two

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Dan woke up quickly, which was unusual for him. He showered and changed into a pair of nice black jeans and a short sleeve button up tshirt he owned that was littered with moths. He found this shirt somewhat funny because he was terrified of moths, but really enjoyed the way it looked on him. He dried his hair, allowing its curls to fall naturally. Dan poured himself a bowl of cereal and began munching, impatient for noon to roll around. When it reached 11:30, he began walking, even though it was probably only a ten minute walk to the coffee shop.

On his way, Dan saw a patch of tulips growing on the side of the street, and on a whim he picked one. It was a white tulip with red stripes coming up from the base, and he hoped Phil would like it.

Sure enough, he arrived about twenty minutes early, and sat down at a table by a window, looking out over the beautiful town.

"Hey, Dan! Congrats on the engagement!" the barista smiled as she walked over. Her name was Emily, and she made the best coffee in town. She was also a close friend of Daisy's.

"Thanks, yeah we're really excited." This had been Dan's staple response, and he gave it without even thinking.

"Can I get anything started for you?" Emily asked, pulling out her notepad to take his order.

"No, I'm fine thanks. I'll order when my friend gets here."

"Alright!" She smiled and walked behind the counter, returning a moment later with two cookies. "On the house. For you and your friend." Dan smiled and thanked her, leaving his cookie untouched. He didn't want to start without Phil.

At 11:55, Dan looked up as the door opened and saw Phil walk through. Dan smiled at how bright Phil was. He was also wearing black skinny jeans, but he had on a buttoned up blue shirt that was left untucked. His eyes were bright and his hair was dark, and Dan grinned as he waved him over.

As Phil sat down, Dan reached across the table to hand Phil the tulip, and Phil's eyes widened, a small smile crossing his face.

"Thank you." He said, examining the flower.

"You're welcome. I saw it on the way here, and you gave me a tulip yesterday, so... I don't know what this one means, but I wanted you to have it."

"This is a Variegated Tulip. It means 'You have beautiful eyes'." Dan blushed a bit as he heard the meaning.

"Well, you do have pretty eyes, so I guess it works out well." He looked up to see Phil smile, but then a small frown crossed his face, and he tilted his head to the side for a moment as if he was listening to something. He shook it off quickly, and stood up.

"Hey, I'm gonna get a drink, what do you want?" Phil smiled, and Dan asked for a Caramel Macchiato. Phil nodded, and returned shortly with two identical drinks.

"Thanks. How much do I owe you?" Dan asked, and Phil brushed him off.

"It's nothing, it's on me..." Phil cut himself off again and tilted his head, slightly annoyed looking, before changing his mind. "Sorry... um... $3.75." Dan nodded and handed over the money.

"That cookie's for you, by the way." He gestured towards the cookie in front of Phil, who smiled, but there was a slight sadness behind his smile.

"So, Dan, what did you want to talk to me about?" Phil asked, pulling out his little notepad.

"Oh, I don't know I thought we could just hang out. We don't have to talk about the wedding right now... you're just a nice person and I wanted to spend some time with you." He watched as Phil nodded, grinning slightly, and placed his notepad back in his pocket.

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