Chapter Four

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A month passed. A month of silence. A month of numbness. A month of solidarity.

During this month, Dan saw almost no one. He hadn't spoken to anyone since the day Daisy had died. Emily brought him groceries sometimes and would stay to talk to him, but he didn't respond. He hadn't spoken since he heard. He felt responsible, he felt guilty.

Emily clearly wanted him to speak to her, but he couldn't. Everything about her reminded him of Daisy, and he hated it. She'd begun to stay the night, and he didn't refuse. If he were feeling less out-of-body he knew he'd tell her no, but he just didn't have the energy. She'd fall asleep next to him and put her hand on his chest, and he'd want to brush it off, but he just didn't have the energy, or the heart to offend anyone.

He had accepted that he simply needed to be what people wanted from him. He hadn't been that for Daisy, and she'd ended up dead. And it was his fault.

He slept.


B: This isn't working. Our view count is lower than ever. I wanted him heartbroken and relatable, not depressed and silent.

M: I don't know what to tell you.

E: I'm sorry, I'm doing everything I can.

B: It's not your fault, we know you're trying.

E: He won't give me anything to work with. I'll keep trying, though.

B: I think we need to bring back the florist.

M: He's been gone for three weeks now, who knows if he'll even agree? You didn't let him go in the nicest way possible.

B: He cares too much, he'll come back. He might be able to snap Dan out of it.

M: ...if you say so...

B: I do.

M: I'll send him an email. We have to be careful though, I think he might try to ruin all of this.

B: Well, it's all or nothing. With the way Dan is right now, we'll all be out of jobs soon. It's a risk I'm willing to take.

E: You sure you can't give me just one more week?

B: I'm sure. Bring back the florist.


M: We need you back.

P: You're kidding, right?

M: Have you been keeping up?

P: Yes... he's miserable. You've destroyed him. How does that relate to me coming back?

M: We think you might be able to pull him out of it. You're our last chance.

P: I'm his last chance.

M: Will you return?

P: Yes... on my own terms.

M: And what are those?

P: No earpieces. And you allow me to remove Dan's. You allow me to speak to him freely without being interrupted by your incessant 'crews' and 'teams'. Remove the surveillance on my shop and my house to give us a place to speak privately. I won't give away your little secret, but in return you have to allow me to actually talk to him without being watched every moment. Loosen the reins, give me some freedom, and I'll help him get better.

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