Chapter Five

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The rest of the day passed with Dan asking Phil questions about all the details of this show that centered around his life, and by the evening he was exhausted.

"Thank you, Phil." he sighed into Phil's pillow.

"What do you mean?"

"For telling me. And for talking to me. For helping."

"Dan, I have no idea why you aren't furious with me right now. I feel wrong saying you're welcome, because I don't think you should be thanking me in the first place. But of course I'm going to help you in every way I can. You're the only real person I've talked to in ages, and you're my best friend. I know we haven't known each other for long, but you are." Dan smiled tiredly into his pillow. He truly was grateful to Phil, and he knew that Phil was by far a better friend to him than anyone else had ever been. He'd proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

"You too, Phil. Thank you." He began nodding off, and barely noticed as Phil slowly began to get off the bed, grabbing his pillow as he left.

"No. Don't." Dan said, and Phil brought back the pillow, slipping under the duvet. Dan rolled over so he was facing Phil, and put a hand on Phil's upper arm to connect them.

"Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight, Dan." Dan smiled softly as he fell asleep, surrounded by the scent of flowers.


B: We need you to switch tasks. We need someone he's never seen before. You're being transferred from security to cast.

L: Okay, what do you want me to do?

B: You're the new love interest. Get this thing back on track, whatever it takes.

L: I'm not dyeing my hair for this.

B: You can keep the pink, our audience is conservative but they're not that crazy. And for those who are... they can deal. We need you.

L: Fine.


B: We need him back.

P: He'll be back today. He's feeling much better.

B: Bring him to the library. We have someone to introduce to him.

P: Fine.

B: Have him there at 1:00pm.

P: 1:00


Dan woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon, and wandered through Phil's house towards the kitchen where he saw his friend's back to him, making breakfast at the stove. Dan didn't know what it was, but he felt a strong urge inside him to walk up and put his arms around his friend. He figured that probably wasn't a good idea, knowing that Phil was fairly clumsy and working with a hot stove, so he simply sat at the dining table and watched his friend cook.

He smiled, hanging his head, but still looking up at Phil through his eyelashes, feeling almost secondhand embarrassed as Phil began swaying his hips back and forth, singing a song Dan didn't recognize, using his spatula as a microphone. It started subtle, but picked up in volume and Phil was now shaking his hips violently side to side as he whipped around, eyes shut and spatula to his mouth, other hand in the air striking a pose as he hit the high note at the end of the verse, going all the way up into falsetto.

Dan broke then and let out a sound with his laugh, and Phil's eyes shot open, immediately breaking his pose and setting the spatula on the counter, redness flushing to his cheeks.

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