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I got tagged by mentalpain213

♪(ノ°ο°)ノ Yey, Clover.🍀

so Yeah.. I don't realy know what to answer but whatever.... it's a coincidence.

 it's a coincidence

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1. uh.. I don't know? ...or maybe I just don't wanna tell anybody? I don't real know. •_•

2. Idk... no Wi-fi?

3. uh.. shit, I don't know? I realy don't know. being.. honest? w-what? Idk  (-_-;)

4. I have one on both of my ears...

5. Get Scared (there's alot more..)

6. Good thing I actualy slept last night.. well, let's see... It happened in the forest near where I live and there were people holding like a small creepy ass dolls and the doll's eyes were closed and the people where wearing bags? like the thing they put on a person that's in dead sentence and shot them in the head, that kinda bag. And then they were talking blah blah blah, then the dolls' eyes and mouth open then there's some black thing coming out. Then the bag over the people's head started to bleed or something something came at me then I woke up. That's it. been a while since I got that dream, I miss that one dream about rocks... weird as hell.

7. Coulrophobia... don't tell anybody about this, It's because of a movie called 'The Clown' that me and my classmates watched back at 6th grade without the teachers knowing and just the title makes me wanna freeze up.... I fear and hate clowns at the same time, okay? okay...

8. A lot (mostly horror) But I'd have to pick 'Koe no Katachi' or 'Silent Voice' 'cause uh... deaf people are nice? I dunno, it's good.

9. Jet black.

10. ...None.

11. Chrysanthemum

12. Both

13. Halloween, since that's usually the time where Horror movies come out.

14. A banana.. (nothing wrong there)

15. 6 (666 'cause Devil's number that's why)

16. Hiyori Arashi Yakunan Akuma (you're not getting my real name, oh, and is it too long? well you better deal with it 'cause I'm not changing it.)

17. uhh.. I dunno, I guess a few more on my ears? ..yeahh..

18. None, 'cause in real life nobody wants me. nobody wanna date me. And nobody can handle me. Plus I prefer to be alone.

19. Myself, school, pushy people, sweet things, eggs.

20. Coffee, drawing, reading, anime, some youtubers.

21. I puke when I eat eggs.

22. Ankle Bracelet... don't judge me.

23. I'd say my dark eyes but people say their not pretty, if I gaze at someone, I look like as if I'm glaring at them.. but I don't realy care.

24. I want the operator symbol on the back of my right hand.. yeah... then that satanic pentagram on my back, almost covering it.

25. ...what?

26. My creativity.

27. pretty much everything.

28. Like I do by... Holy shit I forgot, and I think someone borrowed the book from me and never returned it... I fucking hate my old self. (I hate my present self as well.)

29. Salted.

30. Nobody.

People should tag me more because there's not much going on in my life.

It's my turn to tag, I guess.


Laters 〜(^∇^〜)♪


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