Chapter 26

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Taylor's POV:

meet and greets have just ended and Vikki and I just stayed in the green room away from all the boys so she wasn't as stressed. We edited the video we did with Cameron so right after the show we could post them for all our fans to watch. Cam comes into the room to tell us that all the fans are ready for the shows and Shawn was about to preform. We walk out to see all the fans and when they see Cam they all start screaming. Dayum they are CRAY CRAY FOR THEM! Well I was too...and still am!

We sit down on the side of the stage me beside Aaron and Vikki next to me. Shawn ends up singing Sweater Weather, Stay, Hallelujah and Wanted. Then he introduced One Direction to sing a few songs. I look over to Vikki and she looks like she is gonna faint or something becasue she was turning pale. I take out my water and hand it to her

"Hey calm down nothing can happen here." I say whispering to her

"Yah but what about the hotel?" She says finishing the water

"We can stay with the boys. They will protect you." I say smiling at her. We bring out attention to the stage and I see why she was scared. Harry looked like he was going to murder anyone or anything that came in his way!

Vikki's POV:

Harry was pissed. I was scared shitless! And who knows what he would do to me while the boys were doing there thing! When he is angry he is like Satan. I try and calm down as they start singing One Thing with Niall playing guitar. He was so hot when he played guitar and looked like he was having the time of his life playing. I look at the rest of them and Harry looks like he has been staring at me this whole time because he is glaring at me while I was checking out Niall. I can see that the plan did not go well.

Niall's POV:

We finish preforming and when I saw Vikki looking at me it made me smile and so happy. But she looked at Harry and she looked like she was about to cry and breakdown. Taylor was doing her best to comfort her but I could see it was barely working. I wish I didn't get her into this mess but its hard to get her out. Unless...she does it herself. she has to talk to Harry. It's the only way he will get the truth thru his thick skull

We go back out to say hi to some fans and we stay for the rest of the show because we didn't have anything to do tonight anyways. We even did a dance battle with the boys and I brought out my irish dance moves and the crowd was swooning and the boys were impressed and they even tried to do it but failed miserably. It was the most fun i have had in a while.

After I go and talk to Aaron. Halfly because I never had and to ask for a favour

"Hey man" I say catching his attention

"Hey Niall its nice to meet you. Whats up?" He says giving me a bro hug

"Well 2 things. 1, hows it going with you and Taylor?" I ask winking at him

"Pretty good. She doesn't like taking it slow thats for sure. And she is different too. And listens. Very good listener." He says slightly blushing. Oh young love

"Aha thats good well you better take good care of her mate! And the second thing was, well as you know me and Vikki have feeling for each other and I went to tell Harry and didn't take it well and he has bad temper so I was wondering if the girls can stay with you tonight and not to go out either. Well you and Tay can but Vikki NEEDS to stay out of sight." I say explaining to him

"Yah sure anything man. We have 2 rooms so we can squeeze them in. And I know Vikki is stressed lately so maybe a night with a bunch of crazy guys cna help her smile." He says

"Thanks mate! Your the best. Taylor chose good. Well i won't keep you any longer." I say about to leave

"No problem. Later." He says waving and walking away

"Later." I say waving back. Well thats one thing off my chest

Aaron's POV:

Wow. I just talked to Niall Horan. Never thought i would do that. Anyways I walk back out to the main stage and find Vikki and Taylor doing some messed up dance moves on the stage and all the boys crying while laughing on the floor.

"Hey!" I catch there attention just as Taylor was about to twerk and Vikki was crumping.

"I need to talk to you guys for a sec." I say and they come down

"Boo you Aaron your such a party pooper!" Nash says in a valley girl accent. My friend are freaks

"Sooo i just talked to Niall and he told me the situation. Harry is pissed. So he wants you to stay in out rooms tonight and not to come out until he texts you tomorrow when its safe because Harry has some bad temper tonight." I say more directly at Vikki

"Ok but can i go get clothes?" she asks a tade releaved

"Yah get Nash and Cameron to go with you. I'm kinda scrony soo they would be more help and I have planned a special evening with this special lady." I say smiling at Taylor

"Awwww you two go have fun! Have her home by 10 and no funny buisness Aaron!" She says pointing at me

"Ok! Byeee love you gurl! Be safe. Please" taylor says hugging Vikki tight

"I will. Bye guys!" She says catching up to the guys.

"So alone time?" Tayloe asks bitting her lip

"yup" I say smiling and intertwining our fingers

We go in a different car then the boys and I tell the driver the address to our special location. I sit back down and smile at Taylor and she lays her head on my shoulder. So much has happend in just 2 days and I wonder what the future holds for us.

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