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Woo, here we are guys... My first Wattpad story! Ahh, it has always been my dream to wr- wait none of you care do you? Okay, sorry. To set the mood, and since it's the first chapter, listen to the song I have put in the multi media section....Enjoy my first chapter with all its awkward mistakes in their glory!


///Indhu's POV///

No, this cannot be happening, this can't be happening what the hell am I going to do with my life oh my actual god okay what??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woooo. Well, I've just found out that my roommate for this semester is my crush. Yeah, you read right... MY FREAKING CRUSH. Okay 1) How the hell can they put a guy and a girl in a room together?! And 2) I confessed to him 3 weeks 4 days 7 hours and 32 minutes ago and was rejected. What. Is. Happening. //insert cliché music// But to find out how I got here, we need to go back 3 weeks 4 days 7 hours and 32 minutes.

//3 weeks 4 days 7 hours and 32 minutes ago//

I stood there with my head bowed and my arms reaching out in front of me, holding a pink envelope with his name written in cursive, ready to confess to my crush before I leave for uni. This was a big step for me as I practically fell in love at first sight on the day of the welcome ceremony for the juniors at High School. His voice was music to my ears and his looks were to die for. My first love was finally going to know how I felt. I mean I was blocking the way by shoving a letter at him but, whatever. He looked at me, the letter, me, the letter, me, the letter and then snatched it out my hands and ripped it. Shredded it along with my heart. THAT JERK. THAT STUPID JER- but he looked so beautiful while ripping the paper. Yes, I have no shame. And that folks, is my confession story.

Wait, have I introduced myself? I haven't have I? How rude of me... Well, I'm Indhu and I'm 18 on December the 13th, I come from a sterotypical Indian Family and we're Hindu. My lifelong dream is to go to Harvard in America and pursue a career in medicine helping small children smile and be healthy. That means I want to be a pediatrician. Funnily, he wants to be a doctor too, but that doesn't matter now, not yet at least. My parents are amazing and I have this annoying sister who won't shut up about how "amazing" she is and how she will be a better doctor than me. She loves me...(I think) But yeah, that's my life.


I started swearing in my head in korean (too many k-dramas and k-pop, SARANGHAEYO BIG BANG) and just started freaking out because I came to my room all jolly and excited, ready for what the future holds to find a person who I have loved for 4 years snacking on tube of pringles in MY room. HE WAS SO BEAUTIFUL WHILE HE WAS EATING PRINGLES, WHY IS MY LIFE LIKE THIS?!? Anyway, as my instinct tells me, I scream. Loud. To that he says:

"What are you doing in my room?!"

And there he was.

Harsha freaking Agarwal.

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