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Wow guys okay, 29 of you have actually bothered to read this... Like... Whaaaaaaaattttttttt????????????? Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy this chapter.... To set the mood for the second chapter, listen to the song I have put in the multi media section....Enjoy this chapter with all its awkward mistakes in their glory!


//Indhu's POV//

I have one question and one question only on my mind right now; how can one look so gorgeous in their sweatpants; on the couch; watching sponge bob and eating pringles? This can't be legal.

Yeah, I have problems.

Anyway, he stared at me for a good 30 seconds before he said the thing I was hoping he wouldn't say.

"Hey, aren't you the one who I rejected like 3 weeks ago?"(Actually it was 3 weeks, 4 days,7 hours and 32 mins ago..AND counting.)

I wanted to curl up in a ball and die.

Somehow, I managed to keep my composure and shoved my dorm form (lol that rhymed) in his face, showing him that this room was M.I.N.E. Mine. Harsha gave me that smirk that made all the girls in high school swoon before walking to a cupboard and showing me his dorm form (never gets old). I snatched them out of his hands keeping eye contact and he raised his hands up in the air in surrender as he walked back to his couch. And there it was: my papers said Room 1515 and his papers said Room 1515. WHY DOES FATE HATE ME?!?! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO IT?!?! I stomped my feet in annoyance and collapsed to the ground, so frustrated that all I wanted to do was to eat ice cream and binge watch k-dramas, before I realised that a beautiful pair of hazel eyes were staring at me laughing the most harmonious laugh anyone could ever have.

I gave him my iconic death glare making him shut up and grabbed his hand to take him to the Dorm Office.

"Excuse me Madam, I am a junior here and I am staying in a dorm. I enter my dorm to see this hunk- I mean imbecile lying on my couch in my dorm? Once I checked his papers, it seems to have been that that room was double booked? May I ask for an other dorm please, preferably with a girl room mate? Or can this fellow student get another room?" I asked trying to keep as calm as possible but as soon as I had that little slip up my face went red and I could hear snickering from my former crush and the lady at the desk. Great first impressions.

She gave me one of those annoying knowing smirks and tapped away at her computer before giving me a huge, smug smile,"I'm afraid all the other rooms are booked for this semester," she started "you will have to wait till next year August for your own dorm. Sorry for the inconvenience and next time you come to my office, make sure your room mate has a shirt on."

My face turned even more red before I turned my head to see Harsha standing behind me, his arms crossed against his chest, looking frustrated and amused. "Hey snowy" he called.

My eyebrows shot up "Snowy?"

"Yeah because you are cold and pretty at the same time" he counteracted "don't like it? Suit yourself. Anyway, since we are gonna be room mates for the next year or so AND you had a crush on me, to make things less awkward, I need you to tell me you have gotten over me." he finished with a serious but playful tone.

Looking him dead in the eye I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Good." was all he said before swinging his arm around my shoulder and walking me back to our dorm.


He was still topless.

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