Jealousy+birthday sex

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Kyle pov

I chug the shot and its came rushing down through my throat down slowly burning my chest. Tonight me and Justin were having fun for my birthday. He insisted to take me to the club and I said yes. Now we're here, drinking shots and dancing, enjoying our time together.

I walk to the dance floor spotting Justin were with some people dancing around him. I could feel him stare at me and I walk to him. Also, when I was about to take his hand, suddenly a guy block my view of Justin making me look at his face. Gosh, please tell me why do guys have to seems really hot and sexy.

"Hey, youre y/n right? Justins girlfriend?" He shout fighting over the blasting musics. I nodded my head and he begin to chuckle. "Happy birthday to you. I hope you enjoy it." He said licking his lips attractively. "Yeah, well shes enjoying it. So you better fuck off." Justins voice came out of nowhere and suddenly stumble his feet getting my hands intertwining them together.

"Dude, chill. I was just company her. She looks lonely. Ive thinkinh why is her boyfriend leave him in this big crowd." He said loudly making my eyes gone widen. "What the fuck do you talking about?!" Justin asked. Oh boy, I barely see his face with redness of the anger but I stipp did.

"Im saying that you shouldnt leave her alone, you know there would ne someone getting onto her and treat her better." He said and leave. Thats make Justin pissed and grab me my arm. I whimper under his hard grasp but he didnt care.


We somehow managed to get out from that club without papparazi catching for us. I let out a breath as the car came into complete stop. "Justi-" I begin to trail off but he cuts me off. "In the house." He said as he started to unbuckling his seatbelt.

I unbuckle my bealt and storm to the door waiting for Justin to open the door. Once he open, I wince in pain as my back came to contact with the wall. Justin pinned me against the wall making my heart beat pounding in my chest. "J-justin? What are you d-doing?" I stutter trying to get off from his hard grasp.

"You. Are. Mine." He whisper into my ear sending chills through my body. "You see, when someone made you like you are theirs, I cant hold it in. You are mine, nobody else." He growl while kissing my neck gently. Whenever Justin were jealous or mad, he will show that hes the dominant. He dont want to let me even win for once. He will show me that I'm his.

His hands trail from hands to my hips making goosebumps rise on my skin. Though his hands were so hot, I mean hot ;) "Remember that you are mine y/n. Nobody can have you other than me." He growl lowly making me froze.

He slowly trail right hands down to my inner thigh and get higher. My heart beat is rushing, my head is pounding, my breathing is hitching, my lips is craving to wait for him to do something. His fingers slowly slid in my thongs and he looks at me while smirking. His fingers were playing with my throbbing clit making me push my sex hard against his fingers wanting more. "You like that, baby? What do you want me to do?" He said making me moan lowly.

"Justin." I trailed off running my fingers through his blonde hair. "Tell me baby, what do you want me to do?" He whisper huskily into my ear. "P-please Justin. I want your long fingers fucking me. You make m-me so wet. Please." I begged he smirked

"Your command is my pleasure." He said pushing two fingers makiny me moan. "Oh, Justin." I moan as a gasp escaped my mouth. "Thats right y/n, moan my name." He said pumping his fingers deeper and harder and adding one more. "Oh-mhm Justin!" I scream. Once I cum, he didnt hesitate to pick me up and heading to the bedroom.

He throw me onto the bed and immedeatly strip from his clothes making me do the same. Once its all off, Justin hovers over me and trail his hands through my thigh. "Justin, please hurry up." I moan through his ear making him groan in satisfaction. "Damn babygirl, hearing you moan make me so damn hard. I cant wait to fuck your tight little pussy and make you cum so hard." He said kissing me hard adding his tounge and thrust into me without warning making me gasp.

"Oh my-mhm Justin harder!" I scream feeling the pleasure were building inside me making he go faster. "You *thrust* Are *thrust* Mine *thrust*." He growl. "Fuck! shitshitshit. Justin I'm go-gonna cum! Oh my god! Dont stop please!" I scream. Our skin slapping on each other on each thrust he made making all thing 10 times hotter. He groan sexily sending me on edge.

"Cum baby, cum for me! Oh fuck!" He growl, pounding into me with much force. We cum together riding our high out and he stop seconds after we came. I plopped besides me growling and I turn to face him.

"Justin, I am all yours no matter what. I cant leave you, I love you! And by the way, best birthday sex ever!" I said kissing him once more and we cuddle drifting into sleep.

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