Stupid Player

106 1 2

Julia p.o.v ;




All that hurtfull feelings was lingering not just in my mind but also in my heart.

I was standing near the couch, wartching Mark in sadness as he just smirk at me, like nothing happened.

"W-what? Why are you doing this? You love me right? You said you love me!" I screamed at the very last words as he just cracked up few deep chuckles.

"I've never fallen in love with you, I never even cared. You're just one-time thing. It was actually a pain in the ass when you always told me that you're not ready. Then I figured it out, you're a virgin..." He stopped letting out a few more chuckles then flash me a devilish smirk.

"So I thought why not I wait, right? Realizing that you're virgin would be a lot of fun. And there I played the little charming game. Lame, but always worked. You fall for the charming and you eventually gave you virginity for me.

You see there, there's the problem. I've never been with girls after I fucked them and you are no different than them so I would like you to step out from this house and fuck off." He said harshly as I stared at him silently.





All that feelings seethe out from my heart going to my mind. I look at him in disbelief before I turn away.

"God knows how fucked up you are as a person. I was so blind to see it that you're actually lying straight through your teeth to me but again who am I kidding? I am seriously dating a player, a biggest player in this town."

I said, then I surpressed a small laugh. His face turned into a confusion quietly eyeing me up and down.

"What? Do you expect me to break down right here right now begging for you to never let me go and shit? Oh no mister, you're wrong." After that being said, my face became stoic.

"I've been through hell, a lot more worst than this. No, it didn't break me apart anymore cause you know why? Because I'm too immune to feel the pain that you have caused, but then again, I was so relieved to not to feel hurt again. Listen here carefully, I will never give you the satisfaction of me breaking down, EVER."

I said for the last time before giving the middle finger then strode away. He still on his spot, stunned of what I've just said.

"Dumbass jerk." I muttered as I walk out from the elevator.

I walk in the school, with a sigh escaped my lips as I saw the Barbies is coming towards me. Now it make me cringe. Why are they so fake like the plastic stupid Barbie doll?

I mentally roll my eyes as I saw them smirking while walking in a small group. Manny, the head bitch of the Barbies looks at me then turn her face to a disgustes looks.

"You know what bitch? You're so fat and plain." She said as her little barbie minions snickered.

"And you know what hoe? You look so damn ugly with those cakey make up on your stupid tiny face and that clothes on yours, oh so like a torn shirts. Didn't you have money to buy a fuller shirts to cover your fake boobs or something?" I asked, the sarcasm dripping from my voice.

Manny look at me in shock, same as her little minions. Everyone who watched was making 'ooh's' sounds and some of them laughed at my remark.

Sure they are popular and everyone feared and respect them but not me. They're not Lords that I have to afraid of.

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