Just Hangin' : Urushihara x Suzuno

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Lucifer sat there profusely clicking his computer, playing some medieval MMORPG. The sounds of the keyboard filled the empty silent room. Urushihara had a burst of confidence winning his last duel on this game, so he challenged another player that was ten levels above him. The duel was over in two minutes leaving Lucifer's opponent the victor. 

"GOD DAMMIT" Urushihara screamed as he squeezed his juicebox, juice shooting out the straw. 

He shut his computer, rage quitting the game. He then searched around the apartment for any leftover food lying around. He didn't see any, so he got up to look if there was any microwavable food. 

As he tried standing up, his left leg gave out and he dropped to the floor.

"Ouch... pins and needles" he grumbled, rubbing his left leg indicating his left leg fell asleep.

After a couple of seconds he stood up to continue his hunt for a meal.

"What! these broke ass losers" he whined as he looked in the fridge to find food he actually had to cook himself. 

He looked at the fridge with a pained expression, he is too lazy to ever cook himself. He was really hungry though, and gaming makes people hungry without even knowing it. 

He then slammed the pot on the stove, picked out some rice, chicken, and some vegetables and stared at them with a bland look. 

The door swung open, Urushihara leaped for the door. He grabbed a hold of the person's hands, shaking them up and down.

"Yo, make me food, i'm starving" he demanded.

"I will not, i'm not here for that" Suzuno the next door neighbor huffed. 

"Oh it's you" the boy, scoffed letting go of her hands. 

"Where is everyone" Suzuno asked, looking around curiously. 

"Ashiya is shopping, and Maou is probably like somewhere with Emi" he mummbled, chewing on a two day old cheeto

"Really, Maou is out with Emi?" Suzuno gasped in surprise, as Urushihara spit out the stale cheeto. 

I said probably, and I only said that because I can tell Emi digs Maou" Urushihara explained, still on his quest for food. 

"And how did you come to that, conclusion" she tilted her head. 

"Dude, she is a terrible liar, and she is bad at hiding her emotions" he chuckled a bit, looking over some vegetables. 

"I don't seem to think so" Suzuno furrowed her brows at the boy. 

"Oooofff course you don't" He sighed. 

"What but how does Maou not notice as you do?" she continued pestering. 

"Look everyone that we know is dense as hell, but me and maybe Ashiya to a certain extent" he let out a deeper sigh.

"Well..." she started

"Hey, can you help a guy out, I'm dying here" He grunted, cutting her off. 

"Maybe if you stopped staring at that device all day, you would've learned a dish that Ashiya made" Suzuno stated, crossing her arms.

"Come on, please" he begged, grabbing a hold of her small hands. 

"Uh-okay" she stuttered. 

"But one condition" she stated, pulling her hands away from his. 

"Yeah?" He questioned. 

"You have to stand next to me, and learn how to make the dish" she demanded, crossing her arms. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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