Chapter 5

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Sam's Pov

I watched as the girls giggled and ran up the stairs to their rooms. I smiled, seeing them so excited about coming home with us. Tallula seems a little shy but I am sure she will eventually warm up to us. Once the girls were gone, Mrs. Blatherwick asked us to sign some adoption papers. We headed into her office finish the adoption. When Emily and I were half way through signing papers and getting their health records, we heard two pairs of footsteps approaching.

"Come in, girls." Mrs. Blatherwick said when there was a light knock at the door. The door slowly opened to reveal Callidora and Tallula standing in the doorway. They both skipped through the door, coming to stand next to Emily and I, while humming some song. Once I finally figured out the door, they were humming, I chuckled. They were humming 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri. After I finished signing the remaining papers, the girls hugged Mrs. Blatherwick one last time, before we left.

"Come on, girls. Let's go home." I smiled at them and they smiled back, their eyes shinning with happiness. We lead them out to the car and opened the doors for them. I gave Emily I look before I started driving, a look that said 'Everything was going to work out.' She smiled, giving me the same look before turning around to talk to Tal and Cali.

Emily's Pov

"Okay girls, when we get home, we have some things to tell you." I told the whispering girls. They nodded their heads and went back to whispering happily. I laughed quietly and turned back around. "Oh, and there are a few people you need to meet." I could see some fear in there eyes and immediately said, "They are super nice. They are just going to be around the house a lot so you need to meet them." They slowly started to calm down and nodded slowly.

When we pulled up at the house I said, "Okay, girls. This is your new home. Let's grab your things and then we will show you your rooms." By the time I finished the sentence, the girls were already pulling their belongings out the trunk and waiting at the door. I smiled at their eagerness and chuckled while walking to the door. "You need to meet a few people before you see your new rooms, okay girls?" "Yes ma'am." Cali and Tal said at the same time. "Okay, then. Let's go inside."

Tallula's Pov

We walked inside and immediately I heard a voice yell, "Hey Emily, Sam. Did you find yourselves a kid?" Emily chuckled from beside me and yelled back, "Yes. Sam and I found two actually." She lead us into what looked to be the living room where three boys were sitting on the couch. "Go ahead girls, introduce yourselves." Sam said, giving one particular boy a look. I was curious but shrugged it off, figuring I would find out later.

I looked at Cali, expecting her to introduce herself first but she looked at me, before pushing me forward slightly. I gulped and looked at Cali, only to find her giving me puppy dog eyes. I can't say 'no' to her puppy dog eyes but these boys scare me. They look like they could snap me in half, like a twig. I sighed but introduced us, "Hi, my name is Tallula and she," I said pointing at Cali, "is my best friend and sister, Callidora." Emily and Sam looked shocked but they also looked happy.

"It's nice to meet you." One of the boys said. The boy in the middle shifted slightly and said, "I'm Paul and this is Jared" he pointed to the boy on his left, "and Quil." he pointed to the boy on his right. Jared and Quil nodded and waved, offering small smiles. I smiled and looked at Cali, giving her the 'I like these guys' look. She giggled quietly and nodded. "Come on, girls. Let's go see your new rooms."

Callidora's Pov

Tallula did good, she is warming up to them and that's a good sign. We are currently checking out our rooms. All the rooms are upstairs and ours are directly across from each others. Callidora, this is your room." Sam said, before opening the first door on the right. I walked inside the room and was amazed, it looked amazing. The walls were an aqua blue color and their was a bed to match. The walls were plain but the room had a queen size bed, a small desk, and a closet. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I squealed, while hugging Sam. "Your very welcome." he said, hugging me back.

"Let's go see Tallula's room, shall we." he said before turning to my sister who was looking around my room. "Come on, sis." I said, pulling her out of her thoughts. She smiled before heading out the door. "This is your room Tallula." Sam said, walking the door across from mine. When he opened the door, Tal immediately squealed and hugged him. She ran in the room and jumped around. I laughed, following her inside.

Her room was like mine but the walls were painted a hot pink color. "Thank you so much, d-Sam. This is perfect." Tal said, hugging him. I caught her near slip and smiled. She is really getting comfortable around them. "Your welcome." he replied, shocked but hugging back. I think he heard her slip as well. Sam cleared his throat and said, "We should back to the living room so we can talk. I still have something to discuss with you."

Sam's Pov

We headed back to the living to see Paul, Quil, and Jared eating muffins. Emily walked in a few minutes later with a plate full of them. When the boys were about to grab more, Emily hit their hands away and said, "Ladies first." She smiled at our daughters and said, "Would you girls like one?" They gladly took one and smiled in thanks. "Thanks mo-Emily." Cali said. Emily's eyes widen and she pretended not hear and nodded her head.

"Okay, darlings. I have something to tell you." They looked at me curiously, while the others looked at me shocked. "Girls, I am an Alpha Werewolf. My pack consists of me, Jared, Paul, and Quil, at the moment. The girls looked at each other, than to me, than to the boys, and finally back to me. "That is AWESOME!!!" I looked at the girls shocked but happy they didn't get scared. "Can we see your wolf?" "Are we wolves too?" Cali and Tal took turns asking me questions. I laughed and said, "Slow down, children." I looked at the boys and said, "Go outside to shift and come back in."

They nodded and quickly walked outside, I looked back at the girls and smiled. "Close your eyes and when I nudge you, you can open them." I quickly left the room to shift, when the girls covered their eyes and walked back in the living room to sit in front of them. The others walked back inside, sitting behind my daughters in their wolf forms. I nudged them and they immediately opened their eyes. "Wicked!" I heard them say then hands were in my fur. Paul let out a bark/growl that was supposed to be a laugh. I growled lowly at him in warning, and let the girls run their fingers through my fur.

Tallula's Pov

Dad, I mean Sam, just told us that he was a werewolf and is now letting us pet him. I suddenly hear a mix of a bark and growl behind me and turned around to see other wolves. I squealed it and ran over to them. I reached out to pet the one in the middle and smiled when it nuzzled into my hand. "You're adorable." I said, petting him right behind the ears. His eyes grew wide and nuzzled into my hand more. I eventually stopped and pet the other two wolves, doing the same thing to both. Cali came over and pet them, before sitting down and turning to dad. "Can you teach us how to shift?" Cali asked?

I immediately turned to them, after hearing that question. Dad walked out the room, probably to shift, then came back in the room. "Girls, I don't know if you can shift. I don't know if you have wolf genes. I can't be sure until your 16th, when you would shift." Cali and I nodded sadly, we wanted to be like Sam and the wolves. "Sam?" I asked, getting shy. "Yes, Tallula." "What do we, um, what do we call you and m-Emily?" He smiled at us and said, "You can call us, mom and dad, if you want. If you are not comfortable, you can call us by our names."

Nobody's Pov

Tallula and Callidora looked at each other and smiled. They were hoping for that reply. They slowly got and walked toward their new mom and dad. They wrapped their parents in a hug and looked at each other. '1, 2, 3.' they mouthed to each other before saying, "We love you mom and dad." with the biggest smiles on their faces. Their new parents looked like they were about to cry and hugged them back tightly, "We love you too, our darling angels." After that, Tallula's and Callidora's first night at their new home was spent playing games and laughing about anything and everything. They couldn't have been happier, cuddled up to their parents as the played games.

(A/N: Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I will try to update again soon.)

Sam Uley's Daughters ~ A Jasper Hale and Emmett Cullen Love Story Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt