Chapter three

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Previously On The Last Chapter:

"Hello? ...I'd like to report a murder."


Levy's P.O.V.

After I called the police, they investigated the murders and set off to find the thugs. Not that they would find them anyway, when I managed to get away from them, they used some high-tech supplies or something to cover up the blood. So much blood....No! Now is not the time to think about that!

I was currently pacing around in an office at a police station, trying to wait patiently for any leads.

"Miss McGarden?" a deep voice asked.

I turn around and found myself face to chest with a police officer. He was wearing all black and had puffy orange hair. I looked up and saw another person next to him who was extremely overweight.

"Yes?" I asked, eyeing them curiously.

"We found a lead on your parents' murder file. The people that murdered your parents left some of their fingerprints on the victim's body and..." the overweight one said but I wasn't listening. I just found out that my parents were actually dead. I still remember when I was playing at the park with my parents and dog Shadow. Like a happy family.


"Mom! Dad! Look!" my 8 year old self yelled, bouncing around on the field.

"What is it sweetie?" my mother asked, calling me by my favorite nickname.

"I taught Shadow how to hug me. Watch!" I cried excitedly.

"Shadow, Hug!" I said, sticking my arms up wide. Shadow in reply lifted his body on his hind legs and wrapped his arms on my shoulders. He gave me a friendly and loving lick across the face. My mother laughed merrily while my dad smiled brightly down at me.

"That's great sweetie! Now let's go home so we can eat dinner." my dad cheered, grabbing me and my mother's hand and walking across the street.

"Shadow, come!" my dad yelled for the dog, everybody but Shadow standing at the end of the street.

I swear that my life passed in a few seconds when Shadow came bounding toward us across the street, right as a speeding car neared my dog. My eyesight became a blur.

The last time I saw my dog was when he was wagging his furry little tail like nothing mattered in the world. Shadow was in the middle of the street when he noticed the cars light coming towards him. He gave out one final yelp before the car slammed into him, crushing his body from the weight. The driver didn't seem to notice the problem and kept on driving until they were out of sight. Shadows body lay limp and covered in blood on the empty street, lifeless. I felt tears coming out of my eyes and I screamed his name until my throat was dry.


Flashback End

After my dog died, my parents and I cried ourselves to sleep for the next few days. I was devastated, and thought that maybe if I was kinder to everyone, that no one would have that same fate of being alone. All alone like my poor Shadow was.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up. The two officers were looking at me with concern.

"Uh, sorry. I was just thinking. What were you saying?"

The orange-haired one replied. "We were saying how we found a lead on your parent's murder."

"Ok, so now what?" I asked skeptically.

"Now you are free to leave. We will contact you if we find out anything. By the way, my name is Droy." the overweight man said.

"And my name is Jet." the orange haired man added.

"Nice to meet you both. If you will excuse me, I have to go get my belongings. Goodbye Jet, Droy." I replied gratefully, leaving the room and walking to my parent's house. It was about four blocks from the police station.

While I was walking still deep in my thoughts, contemplating the tragic events of the day, I heard footsteps approach me from behind.

"Hey there little lady. What are you doing out here alone?"


Levy got out of the police station at night. Sorry if I update late but I think better when it's dark. Thanks for reading and commenting so far, I hope you have enjoyed this!


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