Chapter thirty-one

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How are you today?

A) Good
B) Bad
C) A potato flew around my room
D) Shut up and tell the story

...Well, that last one was uncalled for. ON WITH THE STORY!!

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Previously On The Last Chapter:

And Kendra was going to be involved.

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Levy's P.O.V.

The rest of the Homeroom went uneventful. It seemed like Donovan wasn't falling for Kendra's tricks. No matter how many times she flirted with him, his face wouldn't budge.

I was surprised that Lily actually stayed near us the whole period. He was like a really obedient over-sized dog. Gajeel's big boot lightly smacked my knee near the end of the hour.

"What?" I whispered, still trying to listen to Ms. Briggs.

Gajeel was bent over the desk on his elbow, his eyes looking at the teacher with boredom. "Do you like school so far?"

"Yes, it's fine. Now shush." I hissed the last part to loud. Way to loud. Ms. Briggs stopped talking mid-sentence.

"Levy McGarden." Ms. Briggs seethed, snapping her pencil in half.

The class jumped. I really messed up, and especially on my first day. I'm too young to die, I still want to do so much!

Ms. Briggs slowly walked to my desk, her black heels clicking with each step until she reached me. Her hands shot forward and slammed on my desk.

"You think since you're a new student, you can get away with whatever you want, right?! Well, that's not how my classroom works, Missy. You will follow the rules, or face the punishment." I didn't realize I was shaking till I looked down so she wouldn't see my tears. Getting yelled at on the first day of school wasn't on my to-do list.

"Oi! You have no right to talk to her like that!" Gajeel growled, his hand grabbing mine under the desk. He was standing up for me...

"I do have the right, young man! I shall do whatever I want in my classroom, wether it be yelling at a new girl or sending you to detention." Ms. Briggs stared hard at Gajeel, her eyes so wide that they looked like golf balls.

Gajeel stared right back. He cracked his neck and straightened his posture till he was taller than the teacher. Ms. Briggs averted her eyes.

"I'll let you off the hook this time. But you better learn to behave in my classroom. The both of you!" Ms. Briggs narrowed her gaze on Gajeel and walked back to the blackboard.

The bell rang as soon as Ms. Briggs opened her mouth. She glared at the door as if it was its fault for stopping her lesson.

The whole class got up from their seats and left the room. Lily yawned, stretching his back and walking out the doors with us.

"Gajeel?" I hummed. The man in question replied with a low "What?"

I rolled my eyes. "What you did was really sweet. You'll be rewarded later." I winked at him flirtatiously.

Gajeel blushed, grabbing my hand and steering me to my locker. He fiddled with my lock before it finally came open. Lucy came up to us with a white plastic bag.

"Gajeel told me that you needed clothes for gym, so here you go!" Lucy dropped the bag in my hand.

"Thanks Lu-chan!" I gave Lucy a quick hug before she went off to her next class.

Gajeel took the bag and threw it in my locker, slamming the door afterward.

"Gajeel!" I scolded, sending him a glare. He shrugged.

And then we were off to math.

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Yes, I know. I haven't updated this in two months. I'm sorry :/

School. Flippin. SUCKS!!

But! My friend and I are making a routine list thing and I hope that that will help reduce stress and create more time for writing.

Anyway, see you next time!


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